~Moving Day & Unpacking Dancing~

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~Jamie's POV~

After Randy, and James put their houses on the market, Luke decided to do the same, and we all decided that we would get a four bedroom house. Believe it or not I finished my therapy and now I'm perfectly healthy once again. I couldn't be happier, the doc was right though when she said that I would have a scar. It kinda added to the numerous ones that I already have scattered on my entire body. I hate it, but every time I try to keep them hidden Randy just reminds me of how truly beautiful I am in his eyes, scars and all. He makes me feel beautiful, and like I'm actually worth something in this world other than some piece of trash.

I was pulled from my happy thoughts by Randy.

"Jamie, do you have all the boxes packed, the moving truck's here?"

"Yeah, they're ready, let me grab my jacket and we can all carry the boxes out."

He didn't respond and all I heard were three sets of feet coming up the steps. I turned around and smiled at the boys who saved my life countless times. They smiled at me before Randy stepped forward and kissed my cheek.

"You ready?"

I nodded my head.


He looked down at my feet to see my biker boots, he raised an eyebrow.

"So you're gonna carry boxes down the stairs in high heeled boots?"

"I'll go work in the truck, just get me the boxes alright?"

"Works for me."

I walked downstairs and Luke followed me outside, I smiled at him, as I pulled myself up into the truck. I felt hands on the bottom of my feet and looked down to see Luke pushing me up. I smiled at him and felt a blush rise to my cheeks, and it was then that I let the smile drop and realized something that could ruin everything. I was gaining feelings for Luke Grant, and while it felt good, I knew that it was bad. I had Randy and I never wanted to be without him, I looked at Luke.

"You should go help the boys, you know if you leave them alone for too long there gonna fight and I prefer them not to kill each other."

He laughed a little and I couldn't help but want to hear it again.

"Good idea, see you in a bit."


He walked away and I knew then that I was in deep shit. The rest of the day was spent packing the moving truck, before getting on the road to our new house. After the incident with Valler Luke got a new cycle, so he and I are on our cycles while Randy and James follow in their cars. I couldn't wait to see our new house. Randy and James said that it was a really nice stone house with a two car garage. I think we were on the road for about a half hour when Luke pulled in front of me and pulled into a white paved driveway. The house was a light brown with stone going from the front door up the house leading into the garage. The roof was dark almost black, and the trim around all the windows were white, except for around a few of the windows is just brown, the door was a dark brown. It was the prettiest house I had ever seen and I couldn't wait to look on the inside, I knew that it had to be just as pretty, if not perfect. I hopped off my cycle and Randy threw me the keys to the house. I walked up to the front door, walking in to see a medium size hallway. About five feet down the hall to my left was a door with key hooks on them. I guessed that the door leads to the garage, while on the wall were a few coat hangers. I walked into the house a little more to see a flight of stairs to my right and the living room in front of me. I looked to my left and connected to the living room was a massive kitchen. I walked to the kitchen to see it fully supplied with all of the necessary appliances, I walked over next to the fridge to see a huge pantry. I looked to my left to see the empty dining room, I knew that we would have to buy things for three rooms, but that was half the fun. I walked out and headed up the stairs and right there I saw the main bathroom. I walked in to see a simple glass shower, a sink, and of course a toilet. I then walked the rest of the way down the hall to see the four bedrooms, I walked into the one that is meant for Randy and I. It was a large room with it's own bathroom, the bathroom was like the one down the hall so simple and perfect. I figured that all the bedrooms were the same, and I knew that we would have to get another bedroom set for the guestroom. I always hoped that I would get to shop for a home all my own, and now I finally get to. I finally get to do what I've always wanted, I get to start over. I get a whole new start with the man I love and my two best friends. I walked downstairs to see Randy standing there smiling at me. I ran to him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He grasped the back of my thighs to keep me up, I kissed his lips before pulling away.

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