~Months Till Goodbye, Hospitals, & Goodbyes~

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~Jamie's POV(2 Yrs Later, 10 Yrs Old)~

The past two years have been full of doctors appointments and me learning a lot of different things about Angie's cancer. It's sad to think that she might not live much longer, and it's sad to think about what life would be like without her. She's a wonderful lady, and she would make a wonderful mother to any child or person for that matter. I can honestly say that I love her and this family that I've been brought into. They really make me feel welcome and I wouldn't change any of this. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the hospital room door opening. The doctor walked in to talk to us about the next steps for Angie. Bob and I sat there each of us holding one of Angie's hands in our own as the doctor began.

"Well, I have good news and I have bad news, which would you like to hear first Mrs. Valler?"

She looked at me and smiled.

"You choose Sweetie."

I nodded before looking at the doctor.

"Let's start off good, hopefully the bad isn't that bad."

"Well the good news is you're going home..."

We all smiled before he continued.

"However, the bad news is that you won't be there for very long. Sadly we caught your cancer late, so the damage is too extensive. You only have a few months left before your body will stop fighting and just give out, I'm so sorry."

I looked away with tears in my eyes, before I felt light fingers under my chin. I hid my tears and looked at Angie who looked at me with sad eyes.

"It'll be alright sweetie, I promise, everything will be just fine, with or without me here."

I nodded my head standing from my seat, I kissed her cheek and walked over to Angie's bag. I picked it up handing it to her so she could get changed. I was about to walk out of the room when I felt a hand connect with my wrist. I turned around to see Bob standing there with a small sad smile on his face.

"We should stay with her."

I nodded my head and we walked over to Angie, she placed a hand on my shoulder. I supported her as she changed her clothes, she smiled down at me as she finished getting ready. When she was done she sat down in her wheelchair while Bob went to get the car, I wheeled her through the hallway.

"Sweetie, why don't you take a break and come in front of me so I can speak to you for a second."

I did as she said and she looked at me.

"Bob has a temper, and most of the time I'm the only one who can keep him calm. He also had a drinking problem, I know that once I'm gone it'll pick back up again. When that happens just lock yourself in your room and don't come out. I'll get you a refrigerator and some food to keep in your room, it'll be like your own little apartment. You'll be fine, but I just wanted to let you know what was going to happen."

"I understand Mom, thank you, but what happens if he calls me out of my room, I don't want to make him angry by ignoring him."

"Well, then in that case, just keep some distance alright, I love you sweetie. You're the best daughter I could've ever had, or asked for."

I smiled as I gave her a hug whispering into her ear.

"Thank you, for giving me a chance."

She pulled away smiling at me, we continued our trip down to the car, we hopped in beginning our short drive home. The whole way me thinking about all that Angie told me about Bob. If I'm being honest I hope he doesn't become what she says he will. I couldn't handle losing the only other family member that I'd have left in this world. When we got home we took Angie upstairs to her room, we laid her down and made her comfortable. I sat there with her eventually standing from my spot and giving her a small smile.

"I'm gonna go to bed, do you need me to get you anything?"

She shook her head and gave me a small smile.

"No thank you sweetie, you just get some sleep alright."

I nodded my head kissing her cheek before walking to my room. I changed my clothes crawling into bed falling into a peaceful sleep. Thinking about the fact that Bob and I probably won't have much time left with Angie. I know that when she's gone I'll miss her with my whole heart.

~Jamie's POV(Hospitals & Goodbyes 4 Months Later)~

It's been four months since they let Angie leave the hospital. Only for us to have to bring her back four months later. She couldn't sleep, she had severe pain in her upper back, come to find out that there was fluid buildup. After they relieved it, they sent us home and said that they were going to keep her overnight. I wanted to stay, but Bob said that it would be best if we go. When we got home I went to bed and the next thing I knew I woke up at five in the morning with this feeling that something was wrong. I walked into Bob and Angie's room, waking him up, he looked at me with tired eyes.

"Dad, I think somethings wrong, I have this awful feeling, can we go see mom please?"

"I'm sorry sweetie, but visiting hours are over and she's probably asleep, she needs her rest hun."

I nodded my head going back to bed, I crawled in laying there just looking up at the ceiling. I soon fell back into a not so peaceful sleep only to be woken up three hours later to the sound of Bobs heart broken voice on the phone. I got out of bed and threw on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, with a white and beige long-sleeve shirt, and my ugg boots. I walked out of the room and into his to see him standing there with tears in his eyes, he sat on the bed.

"Your Mom had a stroke, I'm so sorry, but we have to go sit with her until she's gone."

I nodded my head as he took my hand, we headed to the hospital with tears in our eyes. We knew that we would have to say goodbye to a big part of our lives. I knew that if what Angie said about Bob was true then my life would change for the worst, luckily she set me up like she promised she would. We soon pulled into the hospital lot, Bob and I ran upstairs into the room to see Mom laying in the hospital bed. She looked nothing like herself and I couldn't help the sadness that washed over me and I hated this feeling. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me again, let alone happening to Bob. I know that this is gonna kill him, if it hasn't already broken his heart. We sat in the hospital room each of us holding one of her hands, we sat there until she took her last breath. Tears streamed down my face, Bob came over hugging me close as we cried into each other's shoulders. We hugged and for the first time I could actually say that this man was my dad, and I had just lost my mom for the second time.

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