~After School Problems & Hospital Stays~

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~Jamie's POV~

I woke up this morning in an unfamiliar room feeling like I was being held down. I turned over to see Randy laying there with an arm around my waist holding me tight before I leaned in kissing his nose. His nose scrunched up and I giggled as his bright hazel eyes opened to meet my green ones, he smiled.

"Good morning love."

"Good morning."

He looked at me and then at the window.

"What time is it?"

I rolled over looking at the clock before looking back at him.

"It's 6:30 and that means that we have an hour to get ready for school."

He nodded his head before sliding out of bed and going to the bathroom so he could shower. While he did that I walked over to the closet pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, with a white t-shirt that had the word love written across the front in cursive letters. I laid those on the bed with my leather jacket and my boots on the floor. I then brushed out my hair and did my make-up waiting for Randy to get out so I could brush my teeth. When he finally came out I went in and brushed my teeth before walking back into the room and taking off my shirt, Randy looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you get to sleep in your underwear, and walk around in your underwear, then I get to get changed in front of you."

He looked at me and put his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I'm definitely not complaining."

"Well, then quit looking at me like I'm crazy, I know what I'm doing."

"You sure do."

I smirked at him pulling my shirt on and finishing getting dressed. I pulled on my jacket and my shoes before we walked downstairs together. I hopped on my cycle, and he got in his car as we headed to school wondering what had happened to James and Luke. We pulled into the school lot to see James and Luke standing there, but unlike usual they didn't look at Randy and I, they were acting kinda weird, I looked at them.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"

Neither of them said anything, they just looked at me handing me two notes, as I read James, note fear and shivers ran through my body.

~I know who you are, I know where you live, and I know who your family is. Give me Jamie or your family will suffer the consequences.~

I looked at James and I knew that he was heart broken, I didn't even need to read Lukes to know that it was similar, I looked at them both.

"Guys, I told you this would happen, I'm so sorry, I'll go back tonight and straighten all of this out I promise."

Both of their heads shot up as well as Randy's as they looked at me before Luke spoke.

"To hell you are."


"You warned us that this would happen, James and I moved our family's out of here. We gave them airline tickets to live with distant relatives and we know that they're safe. You aren't going back to that man ever, we're in this together. We're moving into Randy's house tonight, he doesn't get to win this, he won't win this, no matter what it costs us, you will be safe Jamie."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, I pulled him into a hug before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, so much Luke, and I'm so sorry that this is happening to you."

He pulled away from me.

"That's okay, but we need to get pictures of your scars, because we're gonna turn this fucker in."

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