~High School & Waking Up in Tears~

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~Jamie's POV(Senior Yr, 18 Yrs Old)~

I woke up this morning extremely early, I got out of bed and went to my fridge, grabbing a thing of milk. I went to my window seat pulling out a bowl and spoon, along with the last of my cereal knowing that I would have to go to the store. I ate a lonely breakfast like always, before going through my closet looking for my clothes. I grabbed a pair of light wash ripped jeans, a black tank top. I pulled on my biker boots, before walking to my bathroom and finishing my morning things. I brushed my teeth and took the braids out of my hair pulling it into a high wavy ponytail. I put on a light layer of black eyeliner and some mascara before pulling on my leather jacket that stopped at my rib cage. I walked out of my room locking it before running out of the house and down to my cycle heading to school. I pulled into the school lot, getting my usual parking spot and hopping off. I stood there before hearing the bell ring letting everyone know that it was time to head to the lockers. I walked through the doors and that was the start of my senior year. I was no longer a junior barely able to keep my cycle straight, now I'm so much more. I walked to my new locker putting my things away before heading to my first period. I took my seat at the back of the class wafting for the teacher to start her boring ass lesson. When she finally did though some dumb ass decided to walk in and interrupt. I looked around and realized that the last empty seat was right next to me. I couldn't help but think to myself 'Damn, now I gotta sit next to this dumb ass'. The teacher looked at him shaking her head letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Can I help you with something?"

He looked at her.

"Yeah, can you tell me where I'm supposed to sit, considering the fact that I'm new to this hell hole."

"There's one seat left, so take that, and do me a favor, watch your language in my classroom."

He nodded his head walking taking the seat next to me, he looked at me and I got a real look at him. He had coal black hair, with bright hazel eyes that could've been mistaken for a bluish green in certain lights. He looked at me looking kinda agitated before shrugging his shoulders.

"What's your deal?"

I looked at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Your staring at me, do you have a fucking problem or something?"

I kept looking at him shaking my head.

"Actually, yes, I do have a fucking problem, I'm sitting next to an asshole with no sense of time or manners. So yeah, I have a fucking problem, do you have some kind of fucking problem? because if not, then I suggest you shut the fuck up and focus on the lesion before I have to stand up and kick your sorry ass."

After my rant, his face went from agitated to shocked, and finally to amused before he leaned in whispering in my ear.

"I don't think you have it in you."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, he finally shut up and I continued to take my notes. When the bell finally rang I jumped out of my seat and headed to my next period hoping it would go smoother than my first. I walked into the classroom taking my seat, this class seemed to drag on until the bell finally rang. It was like this until my final period came, I took my usual seat in the back of the room. Usually no one sits with me but today I was joined by the prick I met this morning. He took the seat next to me before holding out his hand to me.

"We got off on the wrong foot this morning, so why don't I properly introduce myself, I'm Randy, and you are."

I looked down at his hand.

"Jamie, and you're an asshole, so don't get too attached."

"Damn, you sure are a bitch, tell me, were you born this way, or did you just end up being this way?"

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