Our Little Secret

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A/n: Before we got to the story let me tell you about your quirk and life first.

Quirk: Vampire
           -Your quirk let you be faster like 50 meters per second
           -You have a pretty good strength like 20% of All Might power
           -You need to drink blood to live
           -You have a good sense
           -You're pretty capable of pain since you have special training about it.

Health: Before got into UA, you were in a villain accident. The villain cut your neck, make your voice box broke. After the accident, you were mute for a few months. Thanks to your parents, they make you a support device so you can speak again. But you need to wear some gear behind your ears to connect it with your brain, so the device can decide what you want to say.

Close friend: Ochako
                       -You were the same school with Ochako before got into UA, she know about the villain accident and agreed to keep it a secret when it come to UA

(y/n)= your name
(l/n) = last name
(h/c)= Hair colour

~~Into The Story~~

It was your first day in UA, you decided to go with Ochako since two of you knew pretty well.

You waited for her at front of you house gates until you finnaly hear a voice of someone calling your name.

"(y/n) sorry I'm late!" Ochako said while waving her hand to you. Finnaly she arrived at you.

"Eh you're not wearing not support device? I thought you want keep it secret" Ochako ask because seeing you're not wearing you support device.

Since you can't talk you use a hand signal to talk to her. 'My ears hurt' You just use a signal you usually use so she can understand you.

"Oh I see, so where you put it?" Ochako ask again while looking around your uniform. "Aha! found it" She said as she found you gear on your uniform pocket. You just smile by her action.

~~Time Skip~~

You wear yout support gear to your ears as you're walking on school gate. You do it carefully don't want to hurt your ears.

After some talk and walk, two of you reach at class.

"Hey I do remember that voice" Ochako said pointing on a green-haired boy that's she been talk about lately.

After seeing Ochako talk to him, you slightly tap on Ochako shoulder and look at her.

"Oh! This is (l/n) (y/n), she don't really talk much" Ochako said and you smile.

"It's nice to meet you" You said. A young lady voice around 16-20 years old came out from your mouth make Ochako gasped of suprise.

"Why are you suprised?" Mina ask to Ochako. "It's just her behavior" you said to cover her.

As you about to go to your seat, you see something or a someone in a yellow bag. He is you homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa or know as Eraser Head. You gasped when you saw him. No wonder why, you really admire him in his fighting style and more.

As you arrived at the training area, Mr. Aizawa tell you about a test you're about to do.

When you hear the last place gonna get expel, it make you lost in thought.

"Sweetie can you promised us? you will do your best there be a hero you wanna be"

"I'll be a hero and I'll make two of you don't need to work anymore and I promise I'll brought you to the I-Island to meet your idol!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now