Saving Me From The Death

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"What do you mean, you ran out of blood?" Momo asked.

"I opened my mini fridge, nothing there... Just call Mr. Aizawa.." You said in slow tone because of your headache.

"I don't think he can help you in time" Momo said.

"Your headache already worst than went to come in" She added pointing on my sick face.

"What can we do..." You said looking down. You starting to feel weak.

Momo sat beside you and pull you closer to her. You look down as you think she just hugging you.

"Bite me" Momo said confidently while putting your head on her neck.

"I'm not playing... You might dead because of lossing blood!" You said, your voice start to become like you're tired.

"I'll push you off if anything happened, okay?" Momo smile softly as both of you make a eyes contact.

You got closer to her neck. You put your hand around her waist so you can stay in that position for a few minutes. Momo put her hand at your chest so she push you if anything happened.

You lick the spot before bite her. Momo let out a small sighed as you suck her blood. After 2 minutes she push you off.

"I'm sorry if it was to much" You said.

"No, I'm okay no need to apologise" Momo smile softly. You clearly can see her face have a slight blush.

"That's help me a lot, thanks" You smiled back.

"I'm gonna get changed" You said while walk out.

"I'm joining you" Momo said make you flustered.

"I-I mean to the hospital" She added. Both of you turn crimson red. (If you have dark skin so you just flustered then)


You wait outside of her room. When she got out she gasped as she saw you suddenly already beside her door. She is wearing a red sweatshirt with black short skirt. She also put a small bandage on her bite mark.

"I'm sorry" You giggle.

"You think it's funny dear?" Momo giving you a death stare.

Both of you got into the hospital by her limousine and ordered 8 bags of blood. Then you two go to the mall to shopping.

"Today was good isn't it?" You asked as you about to get back to UA.

"It was better that the last one" Both of you giggle of her words.


You arrived at UA. You put your stuff on the room and go to the main entrance. You take a box to your room.

"What's that?" Mina asked curious of the big box.

"Just my things" You smile and back to your dorm.

You look at your phone it's already 9 p.m. You decided to clean your room and go to sleep. As you about to lay down you heard a knock on the door. You open it and found Momo.

"(y/n), I wonder could I hang out with you?"Momo asked and you nodded.

You close your door as she got in and take your gears at the table and wear it.

"Aren't you gonna sleep at 10?" You asked as you saw it's about to be 10 p.m.

"Well yeah, but I'm kinda boring" Momo look down.

"Oh, okay" You said.

Both of you sat on the bed talked a lot about each other. Momo help you to rewrapped your hand that got damaged by the villains. You think the bandage still look good, but because of Momo think it's a bit dirty so you let her help you.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now