Villain Attack

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•(y/n) POV•
After that night I never really talk with Yaoyorozu. Why would I? She hate me. I want to call her Momo but, I don't want she yelled me... Things going like usual. I ran in the weekend, give more accused to Ochako. I don't really believe Ochako trust my words like she don't suspicious at all.

At school, also keep my mark the highest. Mr. Aizawa don't really make a real test like it was in exam so I don't care much, only 2 or 3 day doing 'study night'.

Me and Mo- I mean Yaoyorozu became really like rival. She give me a death stare many time like more than 3 times in a weeks.

She also take my word went we were at the mall. Damn her, I thought she forget about it already.

She ask me to brought her bags. Thank god it was school day.

We were going around the the mall until we heard someone screaming.

"Damn! A villain attack!" I said firmly while put the bags on the wall. "Let's go wait for the pro- What are doing?!" Momo yelled as she see me put the bags away

"Being a hero" I said as run to a civilian who are calling for help. "(y/n) we should... Wait up!" Momo said confused.

3rd POV•

You take civilian away and see villain in front of you.

"Well well, who are you? Wanna play hero, kid?" The villain ask. "Well I like games" You answered. "Good... now take this!" The villain let out black smoke mostly like a shadow around you

After that you look around Momo were behind you. Without thinking you take one  your hands and cover her mouth.

The smoke got into your breath but there's nothing happened. As you wait for the smock to fade away. You hear a familiar voice.

"Oh (y/n) you are disappointed me, number 3? seriously?" It's was your mom voice.

"Can't you even think, we spend thousands just for you to speak again and got into UA. and this you gave us? I'm better let you mute if I knew this would happen" And that one is your father.

You think for a second. Your parents never said anything that hurts you. After a few seconds you understand what's happened, It's your fears. You saw something infront of you and Momo. You look at the shape of the smoke. It... It's Yaoyorozu! You gasp.

"(y/n) you fear of me?" Yaoyorozu asked. Seem like she also understand the villain quirk. "I-I-" you said intermittently. You don't know what to say.

The smoke change in shape, It was really Yaoyorozu in her hero costume. She look like real but her eyes are glowing. Her colour also darker. You don't confuse since you know the real Momo is the you have your hand with.

"Oh (y/n) you never be the best~ I will!" The smoke said or you call it 'devil momo'. Her words really hurt you, you feel like it's was the real Yaoyorozu.

You let your hand off from Momo mouth and rush to the Devil Momo. You thought the smoke only just a smoke, but it become a real person, more than that! like you're fighting some one with half of All Might strength.

The Devil Momo push you to the wall. She make a sword using her quirk. "Damn she also can used Momo quirk"

As you see she making a sword, now's your chance. You push her as hard as you can. Then you kicked her. Makes her leaning to a glass fence.

Momo don't dare to act. She just look at your fight. She still wondered about her was one of your fears.

You pinned Devil Momo on the glass fence. "You know what? your-" Her words got cut because you close her mouth. "Shut up asshole, I only take words from original not coppied" You said even those words still hurt you.

Devil Momo take her sword stab you. Make you gasp. You move back as the sword stuck at your heart. The stab is deep. People can see even see the half of the sword from your back.

"(y/n)!" Momo call you as she see's your condition. She run toward you.

"Hey other me. Why you help her?" Devil Momo try to make momo join her side.

Momo ignore and and make a sword to fight her villain self.

Suddenly you feel air coming toward you. It was hawks.

"Need help?" Hawks ask like a dumbass.

"Go chase the villain! He's quirk is unstoppable! He's wear a ripped jean with black tank top!" You scream to him.

"Alright, hold on" Hawks rush to the villain.

You who just stand there. Take out the sword that are stabbing your heart. You use it as weapon. You don't really feel pain since you're use to it. Two of you fight the devil non stop.

"Go fly you devil" You said as you kick the devil at the glass fence, make it break it let the devil fall.

Both of you look at the the devil fall to the ground but she disappeared before hit the ground.

"Seem like Hawks got him" You said. "(y/n) you heart!" Momo look at you worried. You look at it then look at Momo. "Yeah, seem like my heart is falling for you" You joke with a bit smile on your face. "I'm serious!"Momo yelled and you laugh.

Suddenly Hawks arrived at you. You look at him as you can feel his wings flew fast. "Hey there, we meet again!" Hawks said. "Ow, that look hurt a lot, need help?"

You smirk at hawks. "Oh no I'm gonna die, help me hero" You joke, put one of your hand at your head, acting like you about to die in dramatic way. Hawks laugh by your action. Momo smack your face make you gasped.

"Ow!" " I told you stop playing around!" Momo said. "Geez, sorry" You apologize.

"Just take me to the hospital to sew this wound" You said and two of them nodded.

~~Time skip~~
At the hospital

The doctor decide to put you in operation room. And give you sleep pill so you won't feel anything in the operation.

After that they put you in ward. You still sleeping.

When you awake you see Momo was beside you. She is sitting on the chair excidently falling asleep with her hand hold yours.

"Oi. Wake up" You wake her up while squeezing her hand gently. Momo got up quickly and pulled her hand from yours.

Momo fake cough trying to cover her action.

Suddenly you here a knock and a nurse come in with a glass of red drink.

"Here the drink that you ask for" You see the nurse put your drink on the table beside Momo.

"Thanks Miss Kana" You said while smile. "You know her?" Momo ask. "Pretty well. I met her several time" You explain and Momo nodded.

"What's that" Momo ask again as she see you take a sip of you drink. "A' type blood" You said and take another sip.

Your answers make Momo cough of shook. "B-blood?" She said hesitantly. "Yup, I like 'A' type, it taste more sweeter than the others" You said after taking you second sip. You glass already half empty.

"Y-you psycho!" Momo yelled at you. "It's my quirk idiot" You yelled back as she said you're psycho.

Both of you felt in silent.

Suddenly you hear someone rush in. Both of you look at the door immediately. "Aye ladies, you wake already?" It was the Pro Hero: Hawks behind him is Mr. Aizawa.

Shit this won't end well.

"Thanks to your help, there no civilian got hurt and we also got caught the villain!" Hawks said try to cheer you up.

"But your action is dangerous what if there is many villain? Both of you might died" Mr. Aizawa added.

"Maybe only me" You mumbled under you breath. You just can't see other people hurt so you like to put yourself in danger just to make sure no one hurt.

"Because of you action, we'll give you free hospital treet!" Hawks said again. Seem like he's never shut up.

"And thanks to the nurse, we will pay for you blood bags this month" Mr. Aizawa added again. "Oh you mean Miss Kana?" You ask and Mr. Aizawa nodded.  

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