Meeting my parents

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"Momo you already done?" You ask from outside of her dorm.

"Almost" You heard a reply from your beautiful girlfriend.

Today you and Momo planing to visit your father. You never visited him before because of your business.

"Let's go" Momo said as she saw you on her door.


"Come in!" Your father said as you knocked the hospital door for a few time.

"(y/n)..." You father looking at yoy worriedly. Since you got into UA you've been pushing you limit to be the best of yourself. Not enough sleep it's a normal thing for you, plus working 12 hours on the weekend making you more tired.

The black circle under your eyes never been unseen from you (e/c) eyes.

"How school?" You father smile don't want to make you worry.

"It was wonderful. I got into the first place!" You tiredly smile.

"I know you can do it" Your father pull you for a hug. You hug back as you miss him so much.

"Hmm!" Momo fake caught to got your attention.

"Oh, Dad this my..." Your look at Momo. You not decide to said she is your girlfriend of friend yet.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, (y/n) girlfriend" Momo smile to your father.

"You know... you deserve better?" Your father said.

"But I-"

"I'm talking to her" Your father laugh. "I'm just joking"

Momo giggle by your father joke. You nervously laugh as you always forgot your father like to tell a joke.

"Who we have here?" You look behind and found your beautiful mother who just come back from work.

"Mom!" You run to her to hug her. You hugs her tightly as she do the same. Momo press you shoulder as she think you been hugging your for so long.

"So um, mom" You break the hug and look at your mother.

"This is Momo, my g-girlfriend" You said nervously while holding you partner hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Momo smile.

"No, the pleasure is mine" (m/n) giggle.

All of you sit around you father talking to each other. Mostly the topic is about your relationship with Momo but both of you won't mind.

"I'm surprised you stuck in my daughter heart so fast" (m/n) smile.

"What do you mean?" Momo curious.

"I remember when (y/n) were young"


You were around pre-high as you walking with you friend to the school gate. You were close to him because both of you have a similar quirk.

His quirk is Darkness Creatures. He can make anything kind of creature in the shadow. The creature can be a demon, animal, of mystical thing. Easily to say a living things that are not human. He can use it as a allies or on himself.

"(y/n), is this your boyfriend?" Your mom giggle.

"No, we just friend" You look at your friend. "I'm not gonna have relationship at young age" You added.

"Yup, we're too young for that" Your friend smile nervously. He is a shy person so you can't relate.

~End Of Flashback~

"Oh" Momo giggle."Now I know were that sentence from" Momo smile at your flustered self.

All of your family giggle because of you red face.

"Mr. (f/n)?" Suddenly a nurse call from the door.

"Come in"

A familiar nurse come in the room with a red drink with her.

"Good to see you again (y/n)" Ms. Kana smile at you.

"You too" You smile back.

"Um, Miss can I have one to?" You said as Miss Kana about to go out.

She didn't reply just giving a thumb up before going out.

As your father taking a sip Momo look at him.

"Wha-" "You better not ask, sweetheart" You father cut Momo from asking a question.

"I know what are you drinking. I'm just asking about what type of blood you like" Momo explain herself.

Your father who are having his favorite drug choked by her question.

"Sorry about that, mine is 'O' type" You father nervously laugh. He's surprised that Momo know about the blood.

"I'm sorry I told her" You apologize.

"No need to apologise honey" You mother smile softly. You mother connected the dot of 'Momo know about you're a blood drinker' and a 'bandage at her neck'.

"S-so uh, you have got bite by daughter doesn't you?" You mom nervously ask.

"Yeah, (y/n) have bite be a few time" Momo calmly said even she is slightly blush.

"Double sorry" You mutter.

"A few time? What type of blood do you have?" (m/n) ask. She shocked about Momo answer but still stay calm.

"Mine is 'A"

"Oh I see, no wonder why she stuck with you" Your momo giggle.

~Time skip~
8 p.m

"It's night already" Your mom said while looking at thr window.

"I'm sorry Mrs. (l/n) we need to back to the dorm" Momo said while holding you hand.

"You can call me mom. You are my future daughter-in-law after all" You mom giggle make you both of you flustered.

"Y-yes m-mom" Her voice got a bit cracked. You suprised she can actually be that nervous. She are actually calm in any situation.


Both of got to dorm for changing and you go to her dorm for hangout.

As you come in her dorm Momo wasn't paying attention on you. She focusing on her phone.

You sit her lap as she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Momo gasp as you brave action.

"What wrong" Momo give a sly smile.

"Which one is important, me of your phone" You put your hand on her neck as she put her hand around your waist.

"Jealous?" "W-What- No" You look everywhere but Momo.

Momo don't say a word. You focus your sight at where it was.

You shocked as you feel a warm kiss on your neck.

"M-momo" You call your girlfriend out.

"Yes princess?" Momo smirk.

"The other gonna know" You said slowly.

The rest of your class didn't know about your relationship. Since it's only three of girls and your floor. Mostly Tsu just hanging out with Ochako.

Also you always spend time with the girls with no problem. No dirty tease or flirt since you want to keep it as secret.

"Aren't that's a good thing?" Momo give you a 'does it look like I give f*ck' look.

"We talked about this" You look her dark eyes.

Momo sigh. "Alright, but can we cuddle?" Momo ask and you nodded.

Both of you cuddle before going back to your dorm ready for the night.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now