Y.M headcanon

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『Dating Yaomomo might include:』

•study date.
     That's the first and most. She will ask you to finish your homework together and study until the night before cuddle until the morning bon her soft bed.

•soft kisses.
     If you're a bottom of switch she like to give you a soft kisses around your cheek, ears, neck, all area she could think of just to make you have a light blush a cross your cheek that enough to make her day. The kiss was yet so soft that sometimes it make you giggle because it can be tickle somehow.

•proper date
     For sure she will arrange a dinner on the one of the fancies restaurant and also with give you a gift on every date. Or she will ask to go the your favorite cafe and you two will just spending time together.

•holding hands
     Yaomomo might that type that like PDA but she still will hold your hand and act like she don't even notice it.

     Like a lot. This woman love you with all her heart and she don't care if she need to be bankrupt just for you.

     Even she's a busy woman when she's already a prohero she still try her best to manage her time so she can go on a vacation with you. She brought you around the world with her and sometimes with your family to.

     When it's was night were one of you can't sleep, she like to tell you about her life, her parents, if you don't enroll to UA she will tell you how the study section there and also about her classmate who is now a top heroes. She will stop when she found you already asleep of she will just stop well she fell sleepy and just cuddling you close to her.

     She will give you many nick name. Such as 'sweetheart', 'darling', 'love' and many more. If you have a animal based quirk she also call you by 'her pet' but I'll be rare unless she many on high (or h*rny).

•she spoil you
     If there anything you want, she surely will try her best it get it for you. Just tell her and then will be on the bed the next day.

•loyal to you
      She afraid when you get jealous, so she's sometime keep a distance to everyone and just focus on you. Even you the type that get jealous easily she will tell all of the detail about the person she met and sometimes will even let you met them. At least you got a new friend.. Maybe?

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