1-A VS 1-B

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Today your class having a combat training with class 1B. You, Momo, Tokoyami, Hagakure vs four members of class 1B.

"3,2,1" The robot announced.

"Everyone go as plan" Momo command and all of your teammates nodded. It's not like you gonna follow her plan since you're worried about her.

You hide at the gaps of the pipes that you found all around Momo's location.

You watched her fight with Kendo.

"We're not finished yet you bitch!" You shouted as you see Momo about got beat by Kendo.

You beat Kendo with using speed and jumping around since Momo is in a small space between the pipes.

"Love, you good?" You asked worriedly as you saw Momo like about to pass out.

"I'm okay, dear. Just overused my quirk" Momo sighed.

You cradle Momo and grab Kendo to the cage.

"Just stay with me, we going to help the other," You said over-worried about your girl.

"No... need to worry... I'm just a bit tired..." Momo whispered.


You loss the fight since I got beat by the black guys, I don't know what his name and not really care.

"This all my fault...." You sighed.

"You guys doing great!" Ochako said.

"Nah, this is so embarrassing" You look down.

"What do mean? kero" Tsu ask.

"Our team the only one who loss" You whisper yell.

"Nah it's okay" Mina said.


Momo don't dare say a word since she never know you're this moodie.

~End Of The Training~

"Alright all of you doing a great work, go change and back to your dorm" Mr. Aizawa said with no emotion like always.

Both of the classes go changed and back to their dorm. Since you're a fast person you wait for Momo outside as she changing so slow.

Momo walk out disappointed thinking you left her. She didn't realize you wait for her outside. You follow her to try to play with her.

"Am (y/n) forget about me?" "Is she doesn't love me anymore?" "She must hate me now... I'm so weak..." Momo mutters as she was alone because the other is already at the dorm.

As you follow her you realized she is crying as you saw tears on the floor. "Not good"

You rush to hug her felt sorry about your silly action. Momo gasped and wiped her tears. She turn behind and found you about to cry.

"Momo I'm sorry!" You cried. Momo giggle as she saw tears on your face.

"What so funny?!" You shouted while hugging her tight.

"I suppose to be the one who crying, you're ruining the story" Momo giggle.

"I'm sorry" You mumbled on her neck.

"Okay okay, get down you're too short to put your head on my shoulder. I can feel my shoulder is pressing down" Momo tease.

"Meanie" I said.

"At least I'm not the one who crying because of her own silly action" You give a sly smile.

"Okay, that was stupid of me. But what I do wrong?" Momo try to relax.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now