[Y. M] x Quiet Reader

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Yaoyorozu x Quite Reader, where reader been waiting for their golden time to ask Yaoyorozu to be their girlfriend. Once they the golden time was set how will their confession turn out? 』


"I thought you don't like me..."


Both of you have been know each other for a few months, starting from the first day of UA, until now.

Even two of you not in the same class as she was in Hero Course and you're from Support Department, but it's never been an excuse for you two not to communicate well with each other.

Added with you're also the future hero as you have Aizawa or know as Eraserhead as your and shinso's trainer.

Even if you two don't have time to talk, at least everyday she will wave at you from a far at the cafeteria. If she don't saw you, will go straight to where you use to be just to give you a small wave. She said it's because she don't want your friendship turn awkward. You never mind so of course you wave back when she did that.

Even your conversation never been a fair one as you're very quite, but hearing her talking about her life of even about tea, it's never made you felt bored or annoyed. Mostly went it come to her heroes training, you will be very excited and not even going to miss a word.

In the other times, it will be just a silent moment where you two would sat beside each other and looking over the view, where it could be the sky, the stars or moon. Sometimes it's just a cloud but you two never really care about it.

You two will stay there for a long time. As you were very sleepy you ending up sleeping on her arm until the night set, where she have to wake you up.

Clearly you can see she don't even feel her own arm once you move, but she never care about it. She always said that she's fine even she's kind of dying inside just because sacrifice herself for you.

Also with all the study "date" you to did together, your grade have improved to the better state.

Know her letting you be your better self, a better person than how you were. She's changed you, not just to be better but also to make you heart race miles per second just because of her.


It was a beautiful night, the ground was shining by the full moon. After a lot of patient you decided to ask her for a date at the restaurant that she's been mentioned lately, which she happily agreed.

The food was scrumptious and enough to make both of you to fly over the moon as you ate it. Both of you eat it politely with a silent while doing it as Momo was so awe to feeling her food and you just being your normal self, quiet.

But in the other hand, there's a small maroon colour box on your hand that are under the table. The colour was almost matching with the dark red dress that she were wearing, which are fitting her well.

You put the box on the table and push in on Yaoyorozu side, grabbing her attention to the small box.

She look at you for a while, not actually got the hint. You point on the small dark red box, asking her for open it.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" You ask in sync with the movement of her opening the box slowly.

Momo eyes turn wider, she look at you with a teary eyes. She nodded a few type in excitement and mumbled out a small "yes"

"I thought you don't like me, ohmygod- " she let out, still trying her best to calm down.

"I do like you, Momo" you said in calm tone. You can't help but smile as you did it. You never thought that this will be her reaction but at least it's better than the worse you can imagine.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now