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"I used to sat here everytime it come to new year" Momo smile softly.

You look over her, stunning as you look her black eyes. There is reflection of the fireworks in her eyes, like you are looking at the stars.

"You gonna miss the fireworks" Momo said without changing her sight to you.

"I don't mind looking over the stars then fireworks" You said softly.

She turn her sight over you to make a eyes contact. Your eyes lock for a few seconds before she close hers and lean closer.

Once your lips connected you close your eyes and pull her closer, make her gasp in you mouth.

You smile in the kiss thinking when the first time you met her. It's all start with rival until she snap. Then two of you got close at training camp, until now.

Momo break the kiss and smile at you.

"You know, you're my perfection" You said after pull her for a hug.

"My perfection lover"

The End


Thank you for reading 'The Perfection Student'.

I planned to make the vol.2 for this story but I'll will time since I been having Jirou vibe lately. So I'll write a story that inspired by 'Why Me?' from Mha4lifehp4life  but I'll try my best to change some character personalities.

I hope all of you enjoy reading this, even it's a bit trash-

I'll update here if I already post vol.2


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