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Today is a big day, Momo's parents are having a new years celebration when they invited most rich people around the world, and you were because Momo asked to.

"(Y/n)!" Momo said happily as she saw you from the door.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Yaoyorozu" You said politely

She giggle and said "Follow me" while grabbing your hand.


"Why are we here?" You ask while she is closing the door.

She smirk and pull your hand, pinned you to the door.

"I miss you" She whisper while getting closer.

"It's only 3 day and half" You giggle before you lip connected to hers.

As she lick your lip for entrance you pull her off. "I'm sorry. But I'm here for a dance, so I don't think to looking mess before the party started" You smirk jokingly.

"It's that so? Hmm, are you free after midnight?" Momo wink and smirk and the same time.

"Of course I am, do you?" You make a jerk smirk.

"I do" Momo smile while leaning closer.

"So it's set. See you later, my queen" You said while walking out from her room. Momo giggle as you walk out.


You were chosing fruit to eat while waiting for Momo suddenly you a feel a light tab on you shoulder.

You hummed and turn around, there's a young man around 20-ish approach you.

"Miss, would you mind sitting with me?" He said while point to a table with a few man sit there.

"I'm sorry, but I am waiting for someone" You smile nervously.

"Come on, I'm sure he can wait" He smirk while grabbing your hand.

"Sir, it will be kind if you let my hand off" You pulling back make he stop.

"What if I'm not?" He lean closer and give a sly smirk.

"I'm sorry, but I think it's rude to treat people like that" You look back as you heard a familiar voice. Thank yo god, Momo is on the time.

"Greeting, Miss Yaoyorozu. I hope you understand this is about me and my wife" He say politely.

"Are you sure? But her last name should change to Yaoyorozu, not... Whatever your name is" Momo said the last sentence fast the other make you giggle.

You pull your wrist off from the man and stand beside Momo.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm (Y/n)(l/n) Miss Yaoyorozu girlfriend" You politely, added with a sly smile.

Some of people turn to you as you just said you're Momo girlfriend. Clearly you heard a some people gasp but you don't do anything.

"Now if you please us" Momo said "Yes miss. It's nice you meet two of you" the boy answer immediately.

You follow Momo to meet her parents.

"Greetings Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu" You bend down

As you wake up Momo look over her parents. "Mother, father this (Y/n)(l/n). My girlfriend" Momo parents turn shocked. Okay, now you're panic.

"G-girlfriend?" Her mom said and Momo hummed.

"Hmm, can you follow me" Her father and you try to stay calm and answer "Yes Mr. Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure having an order from an successful people like you" Maybe you're talking to much-

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now