Keep You Close

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I wake up and search my phone. It is 5 a.m. We have training in 8 a.m but it seem like I'm the only one who already awake because our cabin still dark.

So I turned on the light. (y/n) still sleeping.

"Hmm.. so bright..." (y/n) sigh. "Wake up we have training today" I move her try to wake her. "What time is it?.." (y/n) asked while rubbing her eye. "It's 5, now get ready" (y/n) gasp as she heard my answer. "Are you serious, we have 3 hours before starting" (y/n) yelled. Seem she's fresh now.

Two of us get ready and stay in the cabin.

~~Time skip~~
8 a.m

"Alright we start now"

Me and (y/n) go to some free space and get ready. "All right first lesson. Everytimes I kick out your weapon or armor off from you try to make a new. Do this until you can hit me" (y/n) said and I nodded.

(y/n) POV•
I get in ready position to run, waiting to her making things.

"Lightning speed"

I rush to her as I saw she about to make an item. She making a iron rod. I take one step back. Wait again, she make a shield. I try to take it off from her but it's hard.

"Alright that's good, but remember you need to hit me" I said and she nodded.


It's almost 30 minutes we fighting non stop. Both of us start to get tired at this moment.

"Geez, you so slow" I exhaled. I look at Momo. I don't this she can create thing if I don't tell her how.

"I don't get the point... You want we to create thing faster right?" She ask. Damn she's not smart now.

"What? No!" "Eh?" she gasped.

"Okay, like this. I like to attack you from where?" "Front" She look at me wonder about my point.

"Then you know I'm fast, why you still make weapon with you hands down?" I ask. "You need to be prepared" I added.

"There are two ways to solve this problem. First you make a smaller weapon, like knife or knuckles, and second you create thing in your attack position." I explain. "I'll try".

I take a few step back. Now we're 10 meter far. I wait for her to use her quirk.

As I see some light on her hand, I rushed to her. This time seem like she is ready. Before I got to punch her face, she punch me first. I rush without thinking, her hands are on my stomach. She hit me with a... knuckle but not a normal one. It have a blade in front on it.

She make me fall a few step back. "Ah, finnaly it's over" I said after a few seconds fell. "(y/n) you good?" Momo ask.

I look down. I'm bleeding. My hero costume also torn a bit. "Let's go to Mr. Aizawa" I said and she nodded.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Momo called to get Mr. Aizawa attention. "What? it's not even 1 hour yet" Mr. Aizawa asked. "Can we go to the cabin to cover this, then we'll come back" I said and Mr. Aizawa nodded. "Need anything?" "No thanks, I've all in prepare"

We got to the cabin. I take my bag, and take a small box in it. Momo just sit on her bed looking at my wound. "I wonder are you can't feel pain? You always relax when anything happened to you" I gasped of her question.

"Mommy why I don't cry like that child when I'm fell"

"It's because you already get use to it"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 [_|_]√Where stories live. Discover now