Savior (Taylor Caniff)

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Ashley was waiting in line to meet Taylor Caniff,Nash Grier,Hayes Grier, Cameron Dallas,Aaron Carpenter,Matthew Espinoza ,Jack Johnson, Jack Glinsky,Shawn Mendes, and Carter Reynolds. She had saved up her tips for months and was so excited she finally got to meet the heros that stopped her from committing suicide(but not from cutting)

She got a text from her boss Jose.

J- Come in to work right now or your fired and im kicking you out of the apartments.

A-I'll be there in 30 minutes.

I had to walk home because I don't have a car. I didn't even get to see the boys....

I was deep in my thoughts when the side door to the meet and greet building flew open and hit me in the face. Taylor was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


Taylor's pov

I was in the meet and greet building when this crazy fan ran up and started making out with me. I tried to play it off and she pulled some scissors out of her bra and cut my favorite bandeau and some of my hair. I was upset and ran out the side door to cool off. I through the door open without thinking and hit a girl walking by. She fell and hit her head on the sidewalk and blacked out. I started to flip out and didn't know what to do. I text Matthew and told him what happened. I picked up the girl and put her in my car and started to silently drive to the hospital.

Savior (Taylor Caniff)Where stories live. Discover now