chapter 5

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Taylor's pov

I woke up at 12:43 p.m. and Ashley was still asleep. I got up and stepped out of her room as quiet as i could so the other guys wouldn't hear.
I heard a a laugh ftom fown stairs and i turned to see Nash,Cameron,Matt,and Aaron looking at me.
What? I asked. Nash raised his eyebrows with a smile and pointed at my pants. I realized i only had boxers on....and a boner.
T- Shit!
A- Did you have fun last night Taylor?
T- Shut up Aaron.
M- Do you want to go to the beach today with us or are you going to be yo busy is you get what i mean.
Cameron and nash- ooooo
T- No i have to take Ashley to group.
C- Oh yeah right well all of us can watch a movie when you get back.
N- What time do you have to leave?
T- She has to be there at 3:00. I talked to the group leader who ask them questions and she said there getting a new group leader today.
M- Okay well its 1:08 go get your ass ready daddy.
I just laughed and walk to my room to get read.
Ashley's pov

I woke up to Jack J shaking me tell me lunch is done. Jack G was next him and said "man you sleep a lot." I laughed and went to take a shower.
I ran back to my room and grabbed a sports bra,some panties,white leggings,a shawn mendes t-shirt,black combat boots and a tie-dye hoodie. When i was done I went down stairs and Carter said "good morning sleeping beauty." I laughed and went to get my lunch.
When i was done i went into the living room and asked where Taylor was. They started to laugh just as Taylor walked out of his room. He looked good he was wearing khaki shorts a tie-dye muscle shirt and a white bandana and black vans. He took my hand and ee went outside to his car. We got in and he told me that I'm getting a new group leader today. I said okay and then we looked at each other for a second and we kissed. It felt amazing i had nothing else to say except that. He drove while holding my hand and when we got there he kissed me and said he would wait on me in the car. I smiled and said alright.
I walked into the group room and everyone was sittingvin a circle. I sat by a girl who was there but never talked to anyone really. I smiled and she looked at me with scared she was scared of what might happen if she smiled back.
Hi. I said. Im Ashley. You? She looked at me and quietly said Zoe. We started to talk more and she didn't act so shy. Sje even smiled and laughed a couple of times. We traded number and we planned on talking more. We were in the middle of are conversation about vans or Jordan's when the new group leader walked in. There was a problem was a guy. There was a rule here no guy was aloud to come in the group room because everyone here was raped. He smiled at us and said he wanted to talk to us individually. He called every one back except me and Zoe. He told everyone to leave except us and he told us we were beautiful. Zoe backed up and bumped the wall and i was frozen in place. He told us to take are cloths off and stay quiet. He said to choose which one goes first. I started to cry and Zoe took my hand and said she would go first.
A- No!!
Z- Its fine. You were only raped once. I was raped for a week straight. I will never forget my past i don't want you to suffer like i did.
I started to cry harder because she was so brave and i was standing there like an idiot. The new group leader (Dr.Warren) told me to go that he and Zoe needed to ne alone. I ran outside to Taylor's car and he looked shocked and asked what was wrong. I told him to go inside and help Zoe. He gave ne a confused look and i told him Dr.Warren is raping her. He told me to stay in the car and call the cops. He bailed out of the car and ran inside.
Taylor's pov

I ran into the group room and saw this guy pushing this girl against the wall. I grapped him by the shoulder and punched him in the jaw. I through him down to the ground and kicked him 8 times in the ribs. I picked up the girl and she started to struggle i told her it was okay and i was Ashley's friend. She stilled and i brought her outside and put her in the back of my car. I told her I'd take her home and dhe said okay. Ashley kept looking back at me and she texted my phone and told me Zoe had saved Ashley from getting raped again. I looked at Zoe and asked if she wanted to stay the night with us and she smiled an actual smile and said sure. I smiled and looked at Ashley looked really happy that i asked to.
Nash's pov
Taylor texted all of us and told us what happened and that her friend was coming over. When they walked into the house there was this beautiful girl with dark brown hair and blonde underneath. She was about 5'3 and was wearing blue vans black jeans and a grey hoodie. I smile and told her my name was Nash. She blushed and said she knew my name and said hers was Zoe. I smiled and we hung out all night and we fell asleep watching movies.

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