chapter 8

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Ashley's pov

I woke up in my bed by myself. I felt kinda bad about not telling Taylor but I didn't want him to get hurt. He kinda looked mad yesterday. I walked down stairs and saw Hayes was the only one awake. Hi I said. Hey are feeling okay he asked. I didn't respond I just looked down. He got up and walked over to me and hugged me. I didn't resist hugging him back. He was an amazing friend to stick by my side and not even tell Taylor about all of it.


Every one was finally up but I didn't see Nash. Hey where's Nash? I asked. Cameron was the only one who spoke up and said that he went to Zoe's house to ask her on a date. I couldn't help but smile. Me and Zoe had been texting for a while and she told me she really liked Nash but was scared she would get hurt. I pulled out my phone (Taylor bought me a new one) to text her.

A- ;) say yes to Nash you deserve happiness.

Z- I said yes but I'm nervous.....will you and Taylor go with me?

A- I'll ask.

I looked up at Taylor and asked if we could go on a double date with Zoe and Nash because she is scared. Of course. Taylor said. I was relieved he was talking to me again. The truth? I really like him and I hope he lets me stay in his world for permanent. He came over and sat by me and I snuggled in to him. He put his arm around me and pulled me. I felt protected.

Taylor's pov

I felt like a looser. Ashley had to ask me on a date I should have asked her a long time ago. I was scared that if I asked her out she would reject me...I didn't like the feeling of being self conscious. Sammy,Dylan, Jack and Jack looked at me then I realized I probably looked sad. To seem normal I screamed "cock" as loud as I could and they smiled and turned back around. Damn I must do that a lot I silently thought to myself.

I looked down at Ashley and wondered what she was thinking. I hope she was excited to go on a date with me.  I felt pretty confident when she looked up at me and kissed me nose. So I went for it.

The kiss was slow and perfect. She was a little shocked at first but soon she was kissing me back. I felt like this moment couldn't get any better. She was the one who broke the kiss. She looked up at me with a huge smile then she turned and blushed. All of the sudden Matt yelled "get some" and cracked up laughing with the rest of the guys. Ashley blushed like crazy and said she was going to pick out her out fit for tonight. I smiled and turned towards Hayes. He was watching Ashley go up the stairs. Okay don't get me wrong he's a horny teenager but I honestly hope he isn't looking at her ads because it's mine. Some people can't resist though. Hayes? I asked. What? He answered. Will you help me choose my out fit? I asked. Hayes laughed and said he knew where we were going so to follow him. I jumped in the shower and started to get ready for my first date with Ashley.

Ashley's pov

I looked through my drawers for an outfit to wear the fair. I couldn't find anything and just as I was about to die of frustration Zoe texted me.

Z- hey wanna go shopping I can't find anything to wear.

A- of course!

Z- alright I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

A- okay bye

I got my stuff and went to take a shower in Taylor's bathroom because mine was smaller and didn't have the good body wash. I walked in without knocking and Taylor was taking a shower I burst out laughing and he started to blush and turned away from me. Sorry. I said then walked out. I guess I would have to shower in my own bathroom.

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