chapter 11

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Matt's pov(not expecting this either huhh)

Zoe walked into the room after we texted her to come over and discuss what we should do about Taylor and Ashley.

JJ-Okay they haven't come out in two days and neither of them will answer there phones.

Jack G-One of us should go check on them.

Sammy-I nominate Skate!

Skate-Hell no I don't wanna get my ads kicked by Taylor!

Shawn-Don't be a baby!

Jacob-Okay let's think straight about this. Dillon is Taylor's best friend. Zoe is Ashley's best friend.

Nash-Okay let's think about the people it can't be.

Cam-Well definitely not Hayes.

Carter-Or Jacob....

Aaron-Okay I think it should be Dillon.

Dillon-Nope. I'm pregnant.

Me-Worst excuse ever.

Hayes-Matt! It should be you because your close to Taylor,you can make any one laugh and Taylor most likely won't hit you because of your adorable face.

Matt-No he'd kill me!!

Zoe-Please do it....(She said quietly)

Nash put his arm around her and she smiled. I liked that she was finally warming up to us but more importantly him. Everyone could tell they cared about each other. "Fine" I said.

I slowly walked up the stairs and knocked on Zoe's door. Taylor slowly opened it.

M-Hey man are you alright?

T-Yeah I'm okay.

M-You've been in their for two days. How about you come out and we can get something to eat?

T-No I can't leave her. Not when she hates me.

M-She doesn't hate you and I promise I'll have one of the guys stay with her.

Taylor's pov

As soon as Matt said that I had a horrible feeling go through my mind. What if she stared to like one of the other guys because I was a jerk to her? What if I was just holding her back? What if she thought I was wasting her time? My mind filled with what ifs.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed something then walked back to the door where Matt stood. I pulled out the knife that I always had there in case someone broke in or something and put it to my neck.


The guys burst through the door with Zoe and all looked over at Ashley. She was laying there with no emotion showing on her face like always. Then they looked at me and that's when everything got serious...

Dillon-Hand the knife to me Taylor.

I kept the knife at my neck and I wasn't going to give it up. I just couldn't take the feeling. Knowing that I fucked up the only person that made me feel something.

Matt-Come on we love you.

Carter-Don't do this we'll do anything.

Shawn started to sing something and Jacob,Dillon,Aaron,skate,and Jack and Jack all started to sing with him. It calmed me down a little but I couldn't help but cry.

Me-I can't take the feeling of her loving one of you and not me. I'm holding her back from happiness. I won't her to be happy.

Zoe-I promise you make her happy she tolls me and Hayes she's never been happier.

Hayes-She cares about you.

Me-She cares about people's feelings to tell the truth...bye guys I love you. I wish she loved me to but who ever she chooses I hope you make her happy.

I push the knife up to my neck,but then I felt something...arms rapped around my back to hold me from behind me. And soft words were spoken "I hope you do make me happy because I choose you and only you. I love you Taylor Michael Caniff." I dropped the knife and dropped to my knees. I rapped my arms around her and barried my face in her stomach. I've never felt so realized.

Ashley's pov

I was playing with Taylor's hair trying to calm him down. I was in shock eve since the hospital but when Taylor almost killed him self I snapped back into reality. I loved him. Everyone make  mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance. He showed me love,how to live,and friendship. I will always be there with him. No matter what.

The guys and Zoe all left and shut the door.

T- I love you.

A-I love you to bit you really smell lets take a shower.

T-Together?(He looked up wiggling his eyebrows)

A-We'll do everything together. And Taylor? I'm ready.

T-Babe you don't have to.

A-No I want to. I realized how much I care about you. And how much you care about me.

T-Okay. Oh yeah and we're dating again.

A-(I laughed. )Do I get a choice?

T-I'll ask you to be polite but no you don't have a choice.

A-Its okay I would say yes anyway.

T-Are you ready.

I smiled because for the first time in a long time I felt like I was right were I should be. "Of course I'm ready."

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