chapter 12

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Ashley's pov

I woke up to Taylor cuddling me. All the memories of last night flooded in. I smiled at the thought "I had hot sex last night with Taylor Caniff". I slowly got up and walked down the stairs.

All of the guys except Nash were down there. "Hey guys what time is it?" 3:00 p.m. Skate said. "Holy hell!"

I walked into the kitchen and made a sandwich. "Hey how long has Nash been gone?" "All day" Matt said. I thought about him hanging out with Zoe.

All of the sudden all of are phones started to go off like crazy. Taylor ran down the stairs in only a pair of boxer and showed all of us a picture of Nash with his arm around some girl and him kissing her cheek. The caption said "with the bae. What would I do without this hotty?" Everyone got that look like the fuck?

Nash walked into the house with the same blonde girl that was in the picture. They were laughing and she had a huge smile on her face and so did he.

Ashley-What the hell is your problem you fucking hoe?!

Nash-What are you talking about?

Aaron-Bro I'm your friend but you screwed up. She really loved you.

Taylor-She doesn't open up to anyone but she did to you.

Matt-Guys we all just got a group chat from Zoe!

Nash-Hold up what are you talking about?

Shawn-The girl your with?

Nash-This is my cousin brittany.

Cameron-How come I've never met her and you've never talked about her?

Nash-Because me and her got into a fight and we just made up.

Ashley-Let's see what Zoe sent us.

Everyone was in the group. Even her older brother Oscar. It was a video. Sammy clicked play and Zoe's crying face filled the screen.

Zoe-I'm sorry Nash that I wasn't good enough. I never was. I fuck every thing up. I'm sorry Oscar that I'm a horrible little sister. I'm sorry you had to get stuck with me when mom and dad died. I'm sorry I never wanted to talk to you about getting raped by your best friend. I didn't won't you guys to stop talking because you guys we're so close. I should have never told my councilor. If I didn't you and ben would still be friends. I'm sorry Ashley for not being a good friend. I'm going to have to leave you in this terrible world. Guys I'm sorry for wasting your time and how I used to flinch when you allow got to close. I should have got over being raped. It was my fault just like Ben said. I shouldn't have laughed at his jokes or be nice to him. Oscar I'm sorry I fucked up your friendship. And....Nash I will always love you even if you don't feel the same way...I will never be good enough for any of you. I should have never opened up...maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad. I hope you an  that girl are happy. I love all of you guys even if you don't love me back. I just want the lain to stop. Good bye. Stay strong beautifuls. Don't let the world brake you like it broke me.

The video ended and everyone was crying. Nash replied to the chat and said it wasn't his girlfriend it was his cousin ans he still loved her. Everyone started to text her. Her brother called me and I put him on speaker.

Ashley-Hey is Zoe okay?


Ashley-Okay I'm leaving now.

We all got in different cars and drove to her house. When we got there Nash ran in first. We all started to search the rooms in intell Aaron yelled "I think she's in the bathroom". We all ran in there and all the guys were trying to kick open the door. I was saying things like. It's okay I love you open the door.

The boys finally got the door open and we saw Zoe laying in the middle of the floor with blood all around her. Nash ran over to her and picked her up. He started to but pressure on the wounds with a towel that was on the ground. Her brother ran in and saw her and started to bawl. Dillon took him outside to calm down and cameron and Matt were trying to get Nash to stop crying the rest if the guys went out side and tried to stop tearing up.

I saw the ambulance and they ran in and grabbed Zoe. They said only one person could go. Oscar ran in and the ambulance sped off. Everyone else climbed into the cars and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

*3 hours later*

Is the family and friends of Zoe Valdez here? All of us stood up and walk to him...we all waited for him to tell us the bad news. But it never came. "We were able to save her in time." I was so relived. We all walked back to see here and Nash picked up her hand and kissed it."I'm so sorry she's my cousin not anything else." "Nash I love you but I need time to think. We should stay friends for awhile."

He shock his head yes and we all walked out.

*at home*

I was in my room and Taylor walked in.

Taylor-Hey babe don't feel bad I know Nash he won't give up on her. Trust me.

Ashley-I know babe. I just hope that don't happen to us.

Taylor-I love you way to much

He walked up to me and kissed my neck. I turned around and started to make out with him. He push me back on to the bed and climbed on top of me. He started to put his hand down my pants an  finger me. I moaned into his mouth. He smirked and pulled my cloths off. I pulled hos bandanna off and tugged his shirt over his head. He took his pants and boxers off. He put his tip to the entrance and pushed in. He got faster and faster put he pulled out before he cumed. I looked over at him and he had that smile on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but Jack Glinsky yelled "Can you guys please calm the fuck down I don't wanna be no uncle" and all the guys started to say shit like me 2 and me 3 intell all of those idiots said it. We laughed and he walked to the shower and left the door open.

Taylor-Are you waiting for an invitation?

I laughed and got into the shower with him. I felt happy that I had Taylor and Sky had Carter and Jack G had kyra and Hayes has Carlee but Nash needed Zoe and Zoe needed Nash. I know it would work out tho.

I just have to say that was the beat shower I ever had and probably ever will.

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