chapter 15

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*1  month later*

Zoe's pov

It's been one month since I met Carlos...It's been hell. I really just want Nash back...Carlos is abusive. He hits me if I say something wrong or if I refuse to do something. He made me move in with him and broke my phone. I'm not allowed to talk to Nash,Ashley,or any of the guys,not even my brother. I really miss them. I know that Oscar wanted me to stay and not move  it I had no choice...he said he would hurt every one close to me. I want to  go back  home so bad. I have tried to dump Carlos but he just hits me and kicks me. He says that I'm never going to leave him no matter what. It is pure hell. I just want to get away and ran back to Nash. He really loved me.... I just wanted time to adjust to what happened...I will never be able to be with him again tho.

Carlos-Zoe get your ass down here!

No...he's mad. I ran to the basement where he makes me stay and where he always beats the shit out of me.

Carlos-Your brother  and friends have been calling me. I want you to go talk to all of them and tell then you don't want to talk to them anymore. I'm done trying to keep them away from you. You have to fix it. If you love me you will.

Zoe-I hate you and will never love you!!''

Once I said it I regretted it. He punched me in the eye. It hurt but I know it could have been a lot worse. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and burned my arm with it. He push me on th he ground and said "You love me now go."   I got up and ran to my brothers house first.

Ashley's pov

I really miss Zoe. She is my best friend and she won't answer any of our calls. I texted Oscar a few week ago and he said Zoe moved in with Carlos. Nash was heart broken but every one agreed with me that it didn't sound like Zoe. They last time any of us saw her was when Sammy,Skate,Trevor,Sam,Ricky,Kian,Jc   and Conner went to get ice cream for are movie night and she was with  Carlos driving by in a car. They waved and she waved back but that was it.

I walked down to the living room to make lunch for my "family" gosh I love calling them that. I stepped on the floor but it wasn't even the was Shawn. I'm not even gonna ask....these boys are insane.

All of the other boys were down stairs. But Shawn followed me down there. I went and sat in between Taylor and Hayes. We heard a knock on the door. Carter went to open it. When he opened the door Zoe was there at are doorstep.

Ashley-Zoe I missed you so much come in!

Zoe stepped in and hesitated before she spoke up. "We can't talk anymore guys."


Cameron-Are you mad at us for what happened?

Taylor-No Ashley can't loose you.

Zoe-Guys I'm not mad at any of you but we can't talk anymore.

Ashley-You can't be serious?! Your choosing your boyfriend over your friends?

Nash-No you can't leave us we're your friends!

Zoe flinched when we all raised are voices. Everyone noticed and instantly got worried. I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back as tight as she could.

Zoe-I'm so sorry I love all of you guys don't take it personally I'm not even gonna talk to Oscar anymore.

I started to cry as she hugged me and went to hug all of the other guys. They all started to cry. She saved Taylor and Nash for last. As she hugged Taylor she said in his ear "Treat my best friend right." He shook his head okay and went to Nash. She started to cry and surprisingly told him she loved him. With that she went to the door and whispered "Stay safe,don't worry and please don't look for me."

I ran to Taylor and cried into his shoulder. He whispered sweet things like "I love you" and "it'll all be okay" I honestly felt so confused. There's no way she would give up everything she cared about for a guy. She was scared of trusting them. She trusted all of us but it took a while. She just met that guy and moved in with him. (Well I'm one to talk I met Taylor and moved in with him that day.)

My phone started to go off which I thought was hate comments. I got those a lot when me and Taylor came out as a couple but a lot just excepted it. To my surprise when I looked at it,it was Oscar.

A-Hey what's up?

O-Do you know what the hell is happening to Zoe?

A-Not really she just came by and told us she wasn't talking to us any more and that she loves us.

O-She told me the same thing. To be honest I'm kinda worried.

A-So are we but she'll come around she loves us and your are her brother her other half and best friend. There is no way she will just forget about any of us.

O-How is Nash taking this?

A-He isn't doing to well but he isn't giving up.

O-Alright if you here anything call me.

A-Same goes to you. Bye.


I looked over at Taylor and he was looking at me in that way...the way that they are kinda laughing at you on the inside.

Ashley-What Taylor?

Taylor-Your short.

Ashley-Yeah? Like your dick? No I'm just kidding.

He picked me up and ran out side. "TAYLOR ITS RAINING!!!" He throught me in the pool but I grabbed his hand and he fell in with me. Soon all of the guys were jumping in with there cloths on. It was kinda of a funny night. They all vlogged about it and made vines. I was still curious about why Zoe would do that. I would find out eventually tho. I texted her and sent her the videos. She would miss us and come back and if not me and Taylor(because never lets me go buy self somewhere he doesn't know) to talk to her. She'll come back. I have faith in that.

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