chapter 16

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Ashley's pov

Taylor told me last night that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me but wanted to wait tell we were still happy. Its hard to believe that almost a year ago i was washing dishes,cleaning floors,and trying to not get raped and beat. It all changed when i met taylor. I think in a couple of years im gonna tease Taylor and say "a door in the face started are love story." he really made me happy and I don't know if I could have kept going without him. I can't wait tell the guys go back on tour soon. Taylor talked to there maneger and he said that I could come! Aaron might bring Brianna and Nash is still trying to get over Zoe. Her brother and all of us miss her like crazy. She was.My best friend as soon as we met. I just hope someday she'll come back to us.

I needa get ready it's almost 1:00. Taylor has a meeting and wants to bring me. I'm excited,and I have some good news for him...

Taylor's pov

I'm dressed for the meeting and I'm just waiting on Ashley's slow ass. She told me last night that she has good news for me. I'm excited.I hope she's getting me a new puppy.

I hear my beautiful girl friend coming down the stairs. She has a pink tank top and black sweats on. Her hair is in a messy bun. And there's a huge smile on her face. She walks over to me straddles my lap and starts to kiss me. I slide my tongue into her mouth ad she pulls my bandanna off my head and drops it on the floor. We're getting pretty into it when we hear laughing.

JJ-Wow we walked in at the wrong time.

Nash-Yeah umm we have to go to that meeting soon and there's no time for a quickie.

Taylor-well screw you guys.

Cameron-Your just saying that because you can't screw your girlfriend!


Shawn-Not true!

Dillon-Um face it Shawn your the baby out of us.

Sammy-Nahh Hayes is too.

Skate-Speaking of Hayes is he going to the meeting to?

Taylor-I don't know ask Aaron he's the one who sets up this stuff.


Aaron came running down the stairs and started freaking out.

Aaron-What'd you guys do?! Is there a fire?! Did Matt brake something being a Dinosaur again? Did Carter hack my instagram?! Did Taylor-

Jacob-Chill we just wanted to know if Hayes was going to the meeting.

Aaron's mouth fell open like we just shot him

Aaron-Why didn't you retards just call me? But yes he'll be there.

Mahogany-Good we'll all be there now Taylor fix your bandanna and let's go.

Taylor's pov (still)

The meeting went okay. They just told us when are tour started,what time we have to be at the airport,who's wearing who's merch and what not.

Ashley told all of us to wait down stairs. She she said she has news for all of us.

A few minutes later she came down stairs and stood in front of all of us...that brought back bad memories.

Aaron got up and stood by her. He had a big smile on his face.

Aaron-Okay so Ashley's has been helping me with setting up the places we will go for the tour. And I will let her give the news.

Ashley-Okay guys...WE'RE GOING TO EUROPE!

All guys cheered and I ran up to her picked her up and kissed her like I've never kissed her before. And I can only imagine that I will kiss her that way on are wedding day.


A/n hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I'll be working on th next book!

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