chapter 14

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*3 weeks later*

Ashley's pov

I woke up to a text from Zoe.

Z-Hey wanna go to the mall? Or to the movies?

A-Yeah sure!

Z-Cool I'll be there in 30

I woke Taylor up to tell him I was leaving. "Taylor I'm going to the movies with Zoe" "alright stay safe and talked to her about Nash please he still hasn't got use to it yet." "Will do."

I showered lat night so I was good. I changed into khaki short- shorts,a vamps t shirt and brown Bob's.

*at the mall*

We walked around for a bit and then some random guy walked up to us.

Random guy-Hey umm I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?

Zoe-We don't drink. And aren't old enough.

Random guy-A coffee?

Ashley-Um we have to get home tho.

Random guy-I'm not gonna do anything I just think your friend it super cute.

Ashley-Zoe you can if you want I need to buy Taylor a new phone. He broke his because him and Carter aka the idiots wanted to see how long it would take an IPhone to hit the ground from a 6th floor hotel.

Zoe-Uhh I'm gonna go with you.

Random guy-Can I get your number at least?

Zoe gave him her number and ran to my side. It really made me sad to see guys flirt with her because she's so shy and Nash loves her so much. She is scared to trust people. Nash cares but he's kept his distance from her and kinda just watch's her.

We've been walking around the Apple store and got Taylor's phone. Zoe got a text from that guy-Carlos

C-Hey cutie

Z-Umm hi

C-I'm gonna go to a party tonight plz come

Z-Umm alright but just for a while.

C-That's good. I'll pick you up later.

Zoe dropped me off and I hugged her good bye. I walked in and saw Taylor on top of Dillon and Jack G. "Umm okay then." Taylor jumped up and kissed me and asked a weird question. "How much do you love me?" "I love you so much but to be honest I'm kinda scared what do you want?" "Umm I kinda told my fans about us dating please don't be mad." Without thinking I kissed him.

A-Why didn't you tell me?

T-I didn't want you to be mad at me.

A-I wouldn't have been mad

T-I love you. (He said hugging me)

A-I love you to.

Cameron-Please take your sappy lovely dovey things and fly away.

T-Your just mad because I'm getting some and your not.

C-Whatever I'm better looking then you.

Aaron-Guys tomorrow we should film a dance video. We can have boy team and a girl team. Or we could have partners.

Nash-I call Cameron!

Ashley-Guys your girlfriends should come over to and dance!

Carter-My girlfriend is hot.

Hayes-So is mine,she is kinda shirt tho.

Matt-No ya lyin!

Jacob-No your just to freaking tall!

Shawn-Hey if any of you have sex please don't be found some of us need sleep AARON AND JACK!

Carter-man guys use a pillow to cover your mouth please!

JJ-Your one to talked Sky told Ashley when you and her are at her house that your a screamer!

Carter ran out of the room and grabbed his phone. Gosh this shit is so funny!

Me and Taylor ran up stairs because I had to help him make the bed...again.

A-Hey Tay I have a bad feeling...Zoe met this guy at the mall and there going to a party tonight but I have a bad feeling about him.

T-Hey I'm sure she'll be fine. Maybe she'll realize she can forget about the whole indecent. We all know they love each other. I'm sure there just friends.

A-I just have a bad feeling about it all...

He hugged me and we just kinda gave up on making the bed and went to sleep in are jeans and shorts.

What's with that Carlos guy?! I mean she's Nash's girl....but she doesn't know it yet I guess. Will Nash and Zoe ever get back together? Is this Carlos guy a creep or nahh? Well guess we will find out more later. There is only a few more chapters intell the book ends. But there will be ALOT of drama in Nash's book. If you want in the book comment. Thanks love you all!! Slay tho's hoes- love Mrs.Grier(Britt)

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