Chapter 4

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I just got home from school and saw my mom beating my older brother. He wasn't even fighting back. I ran up to her and tried to pull her off but she just punched ne in the face. After awhile she got up and went to get more alcohol. My brother Josh kissed my forehead and told me he got bullied again. It made me cry because everyone at school made fun of us because are dad left are family for a much younger women. Are mom started to drink and abuse us. Soon after that she started to take drugs.
Josh ran upstairs crying. He slammed his door then his bathroom door. I tried to get the door opened but it was locked. I ran outside and climb into his room from his window. I ran to the bathroom door and felt grateful that it was unlocked. I soon lost that feeling because behind the door was my brother leaning against the wall with blood running down his neck.
I woke up and i was sweating like crazy. I felt the urge to to give up hope. I ran into the bathroom and looked for a razor i started to cut 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. 11 cuts.
I was about to do more when i heard my bathroom door was Taylor. He pulled me into a hug and told me not to worry that it was going to be fine.
T-Tell me what happened.
So i told him....all of it the dream,my past, and how i miss my brother. I also told him about my dad and how when my brother committed suicide my mom put me in foster care and no family ever want ti keep me. I even told him about my boss raping me and how he threatened to kick me out if i told anyone. And when i was telling him this i finally realized i had let Taylor in...i havent let anyone in since Josh died..
Taylor's pov
I felt so pissed off that all of this happened to this amazing girl...
T-please don't do this anymore i care i don't see you differently i love you your perfect and you dont have to hurt yourself because of your past I'll make it all go away i promise Ash.
The next thing i knew i kissed her and she didn't hesitate to kiss me back. We made out for about five minutes before we lead down and i realized that he only had in a pare of boxers on. I didn't even mind. We talked for about an hour about random stuff. He fell asleep cuddling me i didnt resist. I fell asleep will a big smile on my face. I really felt loved for the first time in a long time...

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