chapter 9

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Ashley's pov

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel,I rapped it around my body and walked out. I saw Sammy sitting on my bed. "Whoops sorry" I laughed as he turned and put his face in the corner. I ran to my dresser and pulled out some undergarments and put them on. Then I ran to my dresser and put on some white high waisted shorts and a black crop top.

"I'm done." He slowly turned around and said "okay all of us guys are coming on Nash and Zoe's date. Oh and some of the guys are bringing dates too." I smiled instantly liking liking that Zoe would have other girls there.

"That's fine by me." He started to turn around to leave before I stopped him. "Sammy?" I asked. "Yeah?" He said. "This may sound stupid but do you know where we're going?" He laughed and shook his head yes. "Where going to the movies." I smiles and said thank. He returned the smile and left. I put my black converse on and brushed my hair. I went back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I walked down stairs and saw all the guys sitting down(minus Jack Glinsky) there,but there was also a girl sitting in between Carter and Shawn. She had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous.

She smiled and said " hi I'm skylann but you can call me sky if you want."  I smiled back and looked at her and said "You look like a Carter girl did you know that?" She laughed and Carter turned and kissed her.

It made me feel kinda jealous because no one has kissed me in a while. " I don't know why but I get the feeling that your dating."

Everyone laughed and Matt spoke up "Nahh." He said in a girly voice. I flipped him off and dillion and JJ (Jack j) hit him in both of his eyes when he started to fake cry.

Right then Zoe texted me and said she pulled in to the driveway.

"I gotta go guys duces." "Not like that your not" Taylor yelled. I looked back at him with a confused look. " why not?" I asked.  "Because your showing to much cleavage." I laughed and waved good bye. He ran up to me and pulled off his tie-dye muscle tank top and pulled it over me crop top.I put my arms through the sleeves was still warm. It felt like the best feeling in the world.

When I wasn't paying attention he kissed me. It felt even better than wearing his shirt.

It didn't last long though because all the guys started to yell stupid shit. Damn there such boner blockers. Just kidding.

Dillion yelled "Get some!"

Cam yelled "Inappropriate!"

Nash yelled " Use protection!"

Shawn yelled "Ewww herpes!"

And Aaron,Jacob,and Hayes were on the ground laughing at all the stupid comments that were made.

All of the sudden the door opened and me and Taylor fell on top of JJ and Matt. Jack G and a girl walked in through the door." Hey I know you." I said to the girl. Jack looked confused and said " I know you know me." I laughed and said I was talking to Kyra right? She smiled and shook her head yes when asked about her name. "Yeah I used to ho to the restaurant you worked at."

I turned and hugged Taylor and ran out the door. I got into Zoe's car and she pulled out and headed to the mall.

Taylor's pov

Me and Dillion were in Carter and Matt's room looking through there cloths for something to wear on the date. We couldn't find anything but there was hell a lot of beanies. Cameron walked in.

C- Hey did you give Ashley money before she left?

T- Yeah I gave her my credit card.

D- Dude your whipped!

T- Am not!

Shawn- Are too!


All the guys started to laugh at me and Nash ran in and through some cloths at me and Dillion. And Nash gave everyone else there cloths to.

T-Nash your my bitch.

A-No he's mine.

C-Hate to brake it to you but we're called Cash for a reason guys!

M-well I have to then.

S-Oh yeah cashew duhh.

Nash left to change and the rest of us joked around.

Ashley's pov

We already had are outfits picked out and were almost home.

We walked in side when we got home and ran up to my bedroom to get ready. She was wearing ripped jeans and a o2L crop top. I was wearing Jean shorts and a obey tank top.

Zoe went down stairs to talk to Nash and I started to curl my hair. I heard a knock on the bathroom door and said come on. It was Taylor he looked excited and asked if he could curl my hair. I hesitated but finally said yes. It took him about 10 minutes. He took a picture when he was done and he did a pretty good job I hugged him and walked out to leave for the movies.

The rest of the night went pretty well. All of the guys who brought a date got a kiss or five. Including Nash. I guess Zoe got a little brave. I liked that Nash didn't pressure her. If he did I think I'd have to beat his ass. Or have one one the guys hold him down so I could actually beat his ass.

When we got home Nash and Zoe's went to sleep in his room and the rest of the boys with dates went somewhere else. (Hope they have fun...)Me and Taylor went to his and Dillions room to hangout but when Dillion came in and fell on the bed we went to my room and planned for a prank in the morning. We eventually fell asleep I had the best day I ever. I couldn't wait for the morning when we dump freezing water on the guys. I kissed Taylor good night and fell asleep just like that. With my date cloths still on and his lips on my forehead.

(A/n) thanks for everyone who texted me and asked to be in the story. The next chapter is going to be filled with drama. There are still some guys left if you want one. Please comment if you do or text me on kik. I really want almost all of them to have a girlfriend in the next chapter. Comment your favorite part! Thanks I love all of you. Slay tho's hoes!

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