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Taylor's pov

I parked in an empty parking lot got out and picked up the unconscious girl. Her sleeve of her sweeter had fallen a could see deep cuts on her wrist. My protective instincts flared. I don't even know the girl but I really didn't matter if she was a fan or not.

I walked up to the nurse behind the counter and explained what happened. She told me to fallow her down the hall the a room. I set her down on the bed and waited for the doctor to come in. I waited about 5 minutes and an older doctor with grey hair and blue eyes walked in and asked "what happened to Ashley?"

I was really confused and he could tell I guess because he told me he treated her for head injuries all the time. He told me that he sometimes thought that someone was abusing her. He told me about how she was a waitress and stayed in a room on the top floor of the restaurant she worked at. He also said that she refused to take the antidepressants that he suggested.

Taylor looked at the unconscious girl and all he could think was "no matter what I want this girl To be happy."

Ashley's pov

I woke up to Taylor shaking me and said Doctor Paul had to ask me a few questions. I looked over and smiled at doc. He was a close friend of my dads before he passed away.

A- hey doc.

D- does your head hurt,do you have trouble seeing...

I cut him off and said that I only have slight head pain.

He said someone has to watch me to make sure my condition doesn't get worse. I looked at him and said "you know I don't have anyone"

Taylor spoke up and said your coming home with me.

I was about to reject when he said it was his fault I was hurt. I agreed to go with him and I said I had to go get some cloths. He said he take care of it and picked me up and carried me to his car. We talk the whole way to his house and we learned new things about each other. He said I could stay as long as I wanted. But then he corrected himself and said I think I want you to stay with me if you get what I mean and he winked. It made me laugh. I secretly thought he wouldn't want to even talk to me if he knew my past....

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