chapter 3

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Taylor's pov
We finally pulled into my drive way and she seemed amazed. I mean don't get me wrong my house is not small but it isn't giant either. I looked at her and smiled im glad i can impress her with somthing.
A- Is this your house?
T- No its ARE house now I  said laughing.
A-Yeah sure i said.
T- lets go meet the other boys.
Ashley's pov
I smiled as aoon as he said lets go meet the other boys. I was suppose to meet them today anyways.
Taylor led me into the beautiful house. As soon as we entered i gasped...
Taylor looked at me in panic and ask if i was hurt. My heart melted....but then i stopped myself i couldn't let anyone else in not again....
Taylor's pov
A- the house is even more pretty on the inside.
I silently thought to myself why am i acting so over protective...why do i feel the need to make her happy,loved, but most importantly protected.
All the boys were in the living room waiting for us to get home. (I group chatted with all of them to tell them she would be staying with us and she had to go to group where she talks about depression which she explained to me in the car.) They all smiled and introduced them selves to her. I got a little jealous because Cameron winked at her. She just smiled at him and told them her name was Ashley.
After awhile I took her hand and showed her where her room was (conveniently next to mine) and I told her we can go get her stuff tomorrow after her group. She looked pretty embarrassed and lifted her head down so I couldn't look her in her eyes. I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and thought I want to make her smile at me again and look at me with those beautiful hazel eyes.
Ashley's pov
I felt embarrassed because i always had to walk to group i couldn't afford a car or even a bus ticket or taxi. He lifted my chin so i had to stare in his gorgeous (but sexy) eyes.
T- What's wrong boo?
A- I don't actually have a way ro get to group or help pay your rent....
T- I'll drive you to group and don't worry about rent me and the boys got it.
I smiled but it didn't reach my never does.
Me and Taylor stayed in the living room with the boys and ate dinner. (Nash can cook like a beast) I told the boys good night and they all started to make kissing faces at me. I went up the stairs ro my new room. I layed down and i heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door it was Taylor and he smuled handing me one of his shirts and a pare of basketball shorts. He kissed my forehead and i layed back down and thats when the nightmare began...

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