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Ashley's pov

I heard the door shut behind me and turned to see Jose,my ex boss standing 9 feet from me. Did you think I'd let you walk out on me? He asked. I was so shocked I opened my mouth to scream for Taylor when Jose said that he was busy and all he wanted to do was talk. I was about to cry and said no. He got up and rapped his hand around my throught. I started to cry and tried to scream but his grip was too tight. He whispered "you deserve this" in my ear. He dragged me to my bed and hit me with a lamp. I blacked out.

When I woke up he pulled out of me and zipped his pants up. He told me I only blacked out for 3 minutes and that I should get my stuff. He told me if I ever told any one he'd kill Taylor right in front of me and then he'd kill me date he had some"fun".

I got up and grabbed my things then I ran downstairs to see Taylor still talking to some fans,he didn't even notice. I ran out to his car and waited 45 minutes tell he came out and started his car up.

Taylor's pov

What's wrong Ash? She said it was nothing. To make her feel better I lifted her chin and kissed her. She didn't kiss back she just turned and looked out the window. I instantly thought maybe she liked someone else....but who?

I thought about it for a while but still couldn't figure it out. When we got home the guys ran up and hugged her,but Hayes hugged her a bit longer. She was still wearing his cloths. She went up stairs to change and Hayes followed her. I couldn't help but think they were about to have sex. I tried to shake it off and watch tv with the guys.

Ashley's pov

I went into the bathroom to change while Hayes waited on my bed for his cloths back. I finished changing and walked out to give him his cloths back. He looked shocked when I came out. What? I asked. He pointed to my neck and took his phone out of his pocket to show me a hand print were someone was holding me. I started to cry and he ran and shut the door. He told me to explain everything so I did..

After I told it all I made him promise not to tell anyone. He looked shocked but then it also looked like he understood. I also told him about my was pretty harsh losing every one that cared about me. He wiped my tear and said all of then cared about me now. I it make up on and then walked down stairs with Hayes right beside me.

Taylor's pov

I heard the door shut ans tried to keep my cool. After a while they came out,but she was wearing something different. I started to get really angry and wanted to calm down. I took a deep breathe and started to get even more mad when instead of sitting next to just me,she sat on the other side in between me and Hayes. I pulled her into my arms and she looked up with scared eyes. But after a while she snuggled into me. I was going to do anything it took to keep her. I would sleep with her every night and Mae her jealous and protective over me if I have to. I would make her love me just as much as I loved her.

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