T H I R T Y - E I G H T

809 47 16

If Katsuki had to be honest, which he typically wasn't to others, Kirishima was definitely his best friend who he could rely on. And while Ashido often formulate wild plans, he always found himself happy in her presence. Sero, he was someone Katsuki could depend on no matter what. They were crazies, but they were his crazies. So that's why he now sat in Sero's room with tapeface and Kirishima. Kaminari and him had gotten back twenty minutes ago. Dinner was in an hour. Kirishima and Sero both sat on bean bags while he sat cross legged on the carpet.

"So?" Sero prompted, breaking the quiet they'd been in since they'd sat down a minute ago. "What's up?"

"Just wait a second"

"No. How'd the date go?" Kirishima snorted at Sero's bluntness.

"It went fine"

"Fine? Comeon bro! Hand over the details" Shitty hair whined. Katsuki sighed.

"I barely even watched the movie" Sero raised an eyebrow. "Nevermind, this is so stupid"

"No, no. Continue" Sero pushed.

Katsuki sighed, looking anywhere but the floor. "You can't call me a fuckin' simp. But... I watched him for, most of the time. He looked so damn pretty. We held hands, he was all 'hypothetically would you like it?' so I just reached over and... yeah"

"You're in deep" Sero commented, "Simp"

"I will slaughter you in your fucking sleep" Katsuki returned.

"Hey, but this is great! You an' Kamibro are totally a manly combination!"

"Thanks?" Katsuki muttered, blinking at Kirishima's blinding smile. How was the redhead such a ball of energy all the time?

"Dude, not to be the one to scare everyone, but Mina's gonna throw a big ass party when you guys officially get together"

"Great" The two laughed at him

He'd wanted to do something with his friends, who'd been so good to him, He wanted to be the one to initiate it for once. Afterall, he better do his end of the friendship. A knock sounded before the door opened, Ashido and Kaminari both grinned at them. Kaminari was still wearing his sweatshirt.

"Let's get the party started" Ashido said as she flopped onto Kirishima's bed. Kaminari sat on the carpeted floor.

"So, what're we playing?" Kaminari said as he crawled to the small tv.

"I vote Mario Cart. I know a certain someone sucks at it" Sero teased.

"I wasn't joking Tape Face, I'll personally rip out your teeth and make you eat them one by one"

Kirishima shuddered. "That's a scary threat, bro"

"'Course it is. Now, I'll smash your asses in this shitty game"

"Wait, wait" Kaminari smiled mischievously, "Let's up the stakes. If you win, we'll be your personal servants for a week" -His other friends made various noises of protest- "but, if we win, you have to make us dinner for a week. Deal?"

"That's a deal. I'm not going to lose to you dumbasses! Bring it on!"

• • •

Katsuki lost.

It was a literal party with all the noise that his friends made as they cheered, laughed and teased. Katsuki didn't mind, in all honesty. Sure, he really wanted to make them do ridiculous things for a week, but hey, he liked to cook. He could still torture them, though. Kaminari and Sero high fived with annoyingly cheeky smiles. He didn't mind. Kirishima was laughing, gasping for air as he did. He didn't mind. Ashido as cheering, marching around as she mocked the comments he'd made throughout the game. He didn't mind.

Okay... Katsuki minded a little. He scowled, and kicked the ball he'd been sitting on at Ashido, making her trip and bounce off of it. Sero broke, doubling over in laughter. Kirishima covered his mouth to hide his own laughter as Ashido glared at him for daring to laugh. Kaminari had the prettiest smile stretching across his cheeks, his teeth showing. He looked like an angel.

"For god's sake, either ask each other out already or stop making googly eyes in my room" Sero whined. Kaminari whipped over to look at Katsuki and he quickly looked away from the teen. It wasn't his fault that Kaminari was so perfect.

"Fine" Kaminari said, drawing Katsuki's attention. "Be my boyfriend Katsuki" It wasn't even a question. But it wasn't quite a demand either. More like a mutual agreement that didn't require a question.

"Sure. That good enough for you, Sero?"

"What...? I-" The teen obviously didn't expect that.

"Oh my god. Seriously? Are you guys serious? That's how you guys ask each other out?" Ashido practically screamed. "That wasn't even romantic! Come on!"

Poor Kirishima sat there in shock, eyes staring at nothing in dead silence before he finally let out, in Katsuki's opinion, the worst possible question to ever exist throughout all of humanity.

"Does that mean we throw a party now?"

Ashido jumped up and ran out, making Katsuki blink, he hadn't expected that. She popped her head back in for a moment to let out a "I've got plans to make, see you guys at dinner!"

"Well... That was interesting" Kaminari commented.

"No shit" Katsuki returned to his.... His boyfriend. Holy shit he could say that now. It hit him like a train. Or rather, It hit him like three trains. "Can I cry now?" He half joked.

"Bro... If you cry, I will" Katsuki looked to Kirishima, whose eyes were already glossy.

"Why the hell are you going to cry? I'm the one that officially got a fucking boyfriend!"

"Because!" Kirishima sniffled. "I've been waiting for this for so long"

"Honestly, man... Me too" Sero said putting out a fist for Kirishima to fistbump. Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"What do you guys want for dinner?"

Before either of the others could speak up, Kirishima immediately beamed. "I heard Midobro say you make good curry! I wanna try it!"

"I won't change the heat level fo you guys if i make it"

"Don't worry, we can handle it! So manly!"

"Speak for yourself, man" Kaminari muttered. "I can't handle too much"

"Same here" Katsuki laughed at them, standing to leave.

"I'm making curry"

"Come on! Spare our tastebuds at least!" Sero begged. "I'll give you my limited edition copy of Dengeki Daisy"

Katsuki paused and Sero quickly moved to continue, "And! And..."

Kaminari took over, "I'll get Mineta to sneak photos of Midoriya in embarrassing situations"

"That... Well Damn I can't pass that up. Who knew the perv's skills would be so useful? And I want the manga too. Cheap out and I'm going to pour a whole bottle of hot sauce in every meal you eat for the rest of your life"

"Yessir!" All three replied.

Katsuki laughed, going to make the dinner and hopefully put a stop to whatever Ashido was doing.

Word Count: 1110

I originally wasn't planning on having them become official for a while but it fit so well that I had to. I don't have a choice in the matter. The demon I sold my soul to controls my writing. It's pretty strict at fitting things in where they belong.

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