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Remarry, No Way! - Chapter 1: A Sick Kid
At the hospital as usual was full of disinfectant smell.

The moment Su Ran came out from doctor's office, her faced hopeless and pale, her legs were powerless and almost fell to the ground, luckily there was someone who hold her.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Su Ran shook her head, sat down on the chair on the hospital's corridor, she covered her face with both hands. She felt really sad that her nose and eyes were sore, but she didn't cry, and shed tears.

Upon seeing this Song family's butler, stood at her side, but didn't really know how to comfort her. This because of Su Ran's son, Song's family little mister, he got serious illness, and already underwent various kind of medical treatments, but it turned out to be ineffective.

Looking at this condition, Madame Song immediately understood this serious situation. Her face turned pale too, with cold tone, she told a middle aged woman behind her: "Now you go call Song Ting Yu, let him immediately come home."

Chen Jing frowned: " Mom, is it really serious? Just let Ting Yu to go home two days after okay? I heard that now he has an important project"

Madame Song cut off her sentence coldly said, "Until this time you just still care about work? Do you want to see your biological grandson's die?"

Chen Jing's expression changed: "Mom, I didn't mean that way, I will call him immediately."

Madam Song patted Su Ran's slender shoulder: "Ran Ran, don't you worry, even though all method was failed. But fortunately, there's still last method and this had highest probability to heal We Xi, We Xi certainly will be okay."

Su Ran raised up her face, her eyes looked red, her voice was a little bit hoarse: " I know, grandma, I will go to see Wei Xi first."

This last method to be precise is wanting her and long lost husband to have another son, and use umbilical cord to help Song Wei Xi.

Su Ran stood in front of sickroom entrance, used her hand patted her face to let her expression to be more joyful, also specially applied smile and laugh, then, open the sickroom's door, and got inside.

Song We Xi were reading his picture book >, caught a sight of her, he put down his book: "Mama"

Su Ran went over and hugged him: "We Xi, you're awake, is there any part of you feel unwell?

We Xi shook his head, with his big and beautiful eyes looked at her face, " Mama, are you just crying?"

"No, I didn't cry." Su Ran tried to laugh.

"Your eyes are read." Song We Xi immediately pointed out her lie, even though he just three years old, yet he extremely smart.

Su Ran rubbed her eyes: "Before there were dust on my eyes."

"You said that weak excuse again." Song Wei Xi's small body entered her embrace: "Mama, I'm okay, my illness will recover soon."

Song Wei Xi wore a thick knit hat, his patient uniform looked big on her body, his appearance is a mixture of Su Ran and Song Ting Yu, he is a handsome boy.

"I know." Su Ran felt sad but laughed and kissed his forehead.

Song Wei Xi took out the book on his hand: "Mama, just before great grandmother came here, she said that my father will come back soon, is true?"

"Wei Xi, do you want to meet Papa?"

"I don't want"

Though Wei Xi said it firmly, but Su Ran knew that he was lying, no matter how angry he is because Song Ting Yu abandoned them for several years, at the end he still a kid, his heart certainly will long for fatherly love.

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