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Chapter 391

Mother Tian frowned: This girl is not yet wake up.

Father Tian was worried: Is she unwell?

I checked her temperature before, its all normal Mother Tian also worried about her. I will go up and check on her.

Mother Tian went upstairs. When she wanted to get inside and lift up her blanket. Tian Mi just sat up on the bed. Her gaze was blank, her back was facing the door.

Mother Tian couldnt look at her face.

Youve slept for the whole day, are you okay?

Im okay. I just want to sleep. Tian Mi finally left the bed and went to the bathroom.

Your Papa helped you to bring the car home. Mother Tian said it and left the room. The time she was downstairs, she noticed Tang Zi Chu came over.

Xiao Tang you are here.

Auntie, I called Tian Mi several time but its unanswered so I come to check on her.

Tian Mi didnt answer it?

Father Tian replied: Yes its off.

Is there some problems with the phone. Lets ask her when she comes down. This girl today stayed at home for the whole day. She just wasted her Saturday! Mother Tian shook her head and looked at Tang Zi Chu: Xiao Tang, later on bring her out to stroll around. Dont let her stay at home. She should want more sleep. She had slept for the whole day.

I come to take her out. Tang Zi Chu smiled.

Okay, thats good. Mother Tian said.

During their chat, Tian Mi came down. The time she noticed Tang Zi Chu, she clenched both her hands.

Mother Tian said: Mi Mi, come down quickly. Xiao Tang has waited for a long time. He will take you out to dine.

Tian Mi took a deep breath: I dont want to go out.

When she came down, Tang Zi Chu walked to her: What happened? Auntie said that youve been sleeping for the whole day, are you okay?

Im okay.

Supposedly she is only lazy and just wants to sleep. Mother Tian shook her head.

Tang Zi Chu said to her: Lin Cheng Huan and Ding Chen are back. Tonight they invite us out for dinner. Its their first dinner treat as a couple, shouldnt we come? Everyone tried to call you but your phone is off. Why did you turn off your phone?

Tian Mi looked at his face: My phone was stolen by someone yesterday.

Then later on after dinner I will buy one for you.

Lets go. Change your shoes.

Tian Mi looked at her parents and nodded. She changed her shoes and followed Tang Zi Chu out of the house.

They were the latest to arrive.

Tian Mi sat down beside Su Ran. Su Ran pinched her hand lightly: Why did you turn off your phone for the whole day?

Tian Mi said lowly: Yesterday my phone was stolen. I slept at home for the whole day.

Su Ran smiled: I thought you are in trouble..

Tian Mi was silent for a long time and replied: No

Su Ran noticed something wrong with her. She was quieter today than usual. When she was about to ask her, Ding Chen already pulled Lin Cheng Huan to stand up. She pointed at him: Let me officially introduce for a while. The one that stands beside me is my fianc, Lin Cheng Huan.

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