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Chapter 301

Yet Su Ran didnt look at him, she just finished her words and left. When she passed by his side, she didnt look at him at all.

Mu Chu Chengs lawyer indeed is not simple, he is good. He sticked close to the evidence is sufficient to build his argument. His argument let the public prosecutor to be unable to refute. Finally the judge and jurys final decision is because the evidence is insufficient and the fact is unclear, Song Ting Yu is set free by the court.

Song Ting Yu finally came out!

After he left the court, the person that he wanted to meet the most was Su Ran. But now he needed to control himself.

Gu Dong Cheng came over him and smiled: Congrats.

Song Ting Yu smiled coldly at him and didnt mind him. He just passed by him to leave. Then Gu Dong Cheng said: Youve been inside for a long time, its been a long time since you last see Song Wei Xi? Dont you want to meet him?

Song Ting Yu stopped and returned: What do you mean?

Gu Dong Cheng took out his phone and passed it to him: Look, its my recording and photos of Song Wei Xi. After I took the photo, he is in trouble

Song Ting Yus eyes changed: Say it one more time

Your only son is gone, do you understand me? He is dead. Su Ran also doesnt know about this

What are you saying?

There was a voice heard from the back. Everyone was turning their back and looked at Su Ran. Su Ran was standing at the back said, her tender beautiful face turned pale. Her eyes glared at Gu Dong Cheng: What are you saying?

Gu Dong Cheng was indifferent and shrugged. He looked at both of them: Can you hear me clearly? Song Wei Xi is dead!

Gu Dong Cheng! Su Ran yelled and finally she fainted.

Gu Dong Cheng laughed coldly and left. He got on his car and prepared to take a rest. Suddenly he heard Gao Sheng said: Chief Gu, theres a car following us.

Gu Dong Cheng opened his eyes and looked at the back, he noticed a fast-speed car following them. Although he couldnt look who was it clearly, but he knew who was it.

He instructed the driver calmly: Drive quicker.

Okay, Mr Gu.

The driver tried to speed up, but he still unable to compete with Song Ting Yus driving speed. Very quickly Song Ting Yu could chase after him. He also hit their car.

It was shocking for the driver and he hurriedly sped up again. Its pity that once again Song Ting Yu hit the car again. Finally their car hit the fence. The driver finally stopped the car.

Song Ting Yu also stopped the car and opened the door of the car. He asked Gu Dong Cheng: Where is Song Wei Xi?

Because the car was..hit, he also got an injury. So he didnt feel really well. He was pulled out and beaten by Song Ting Yu!

But very quickly Gu Dong Chengs bodyguard came over and pulled Song Ting Yu. But it was not really easy to pull the angry Song Ting Yu so he still successfully kicked Gu Dong Cheng several time: I will kill you!

Mu Chu Cheng and Tang Zi Chu also came over. Tang Zi Chu was in charge of pulling Song TIng Yu and stopped him: Chief Song, you just come out. Dont you come back inside because of this its unworthy

Because of Tang Zi Chus word, finally Song Ting Yu calmed down. Gu Dong Cheng was taken away by his bodyguards.

When Gu Dong Cheng had gone faraway, Mu Chu Cheng patted his shoulder and smiled: Your acting is very good.

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