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Remarry, No Way! - Chapter 41: There Will Be no More (2) -
"Very quickly I have" Bai Zhi Rui was crying and laughing at the same time: "Will not have again"

He body originally was not really good, that year she was obstructed from being together with Song Ting Yu by Madame Song, she thought and wanted to conceive his child, because she thought with his kid, Madame Song would not reject her again, she would look upon the kids, let her to marry into the family.

But she couldn't conceive that time, then she went to the doctor to do some examination and found out that her womb is somewhat flaw. So the doctor couldn't really decide if she can conceive a child or not, but will be very hard.

That time no matter she was not really willing to accept, but she was powerless!

When she just knew her difficulty of conceiving, the news of Su Ran's pregnancy was emitted. She got panicky, afraid that her man and her status position would be snatched away.

But what's the point of being afraid?

She still needed to open her eyes big to see Su Ran took her position and all of her.

Toward her Song Ting Yu indeed had some guilty feeling, so all along toward her, he was okay. Toward him she also didn't let him felt annoyed, she pretended to be generous, but who didn't know, her heart always hurt.

Being abroad for four years, she always hid her medical treatment, she never gave up. No matter it was having injection or consuming medicine, every ways she always attempted it, but it didn't have any good news.

Because of her menstrual period also were not really on time, so she didn't know about this pregnancy.

If she knew it from the start, she would choose to tell Song Ting Yu, perhaps this time Song TIng Yu would be abroad to accompany her.

How could it she chose to go back home because of their recent cold war and let to intense situation?

This moment Bai Zhi Rui was full of hatred, she hated herself, and hated Su Ran. If that time Song Wei Xi didn't appeared suddenly, how could she stood unsteady and fell down?

Chen Jing looked at her emotion, she was very worried, so constantly patted her shoulder: "Zhi Rui, calm down. You just completed your operation, you just back from the death, don't be like this. Don't be careless toward your health."

"Su Ran that savage woman, it was her, she used her kid to hurt yours. Zhi Rui, don't worry. Song Ting Yu will not let her go, he will look give you revenge."

Bai Zhi Rui used her hand to wipe her tears, this time just paid attention except Chen Wan, there was no one elese inside the room.

She asked with panic voice: "Where is Song Ting Yu?"

She just lost her child, didn't he shall be on her side and accompany her? But where did he go?

"Zhi Rui, don't you worry. Ting Yu has some matters to handle for a while, he will back soon." Chen Wan also didn't dare enough to mention Song Ting Yu was looking for Su Ran, if she mentioned it, she afraid that Bai Zhi Rui's mood will be more intense.

"Auntie, you are lying to me, he went to look for Su Ran, right?" Bai Zhi Rui said with intense emotion.

"No, really no." Chen Wan let hospital nurse to look at her, afraid that her movement will implicate to her surgery wound, she went outside to call Song Ting Yu, to let him come soon.

Now she couldn't appease her mood, only Song Ting Yu could do it.

After her call, not for long, Song Ting Yu arrived at the hospital.

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