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Chapter 554
Xi He sneered: But I dont feel you think of Xi Nuan Nuan as your predestined young lover.

Mu Chu Cheng pinched her cheek: I have this life lover, why should I care about the predestined one?

Xi He shook his hand away: Its better we go home.

Try me if you dare to go home!

Xi He glared at her. She is a person that open to persuasion but no coercion. She drove back home.

At the beginning, Mu Chu Cheng didnt say anything and also didnt do anything. He just waited until she came back from Xi Nuan Nuans room. He suddenly took opportunity when she was unprepared to carry her and place her on the bed. He didnt wait for her response and just tied her wrist and ankle using a rope.

She tried to move but she couldnt!

Mu Chu Cheng, what are you doing?!

Mu Chu Cheng smiled charmingly and started to take off clothes: Isnt it clear, you!

Xi He was bursting with rage: Can you do it nicely?!

No. Mu Chu Cheng took off his clothes and threw it on the ground. He just wore his trousers and pinched her cheek: Today is our wedding night, lets try another way.

Xi He was speechless, how can she forget that this man likes to play this!

The next morning, because Xi He slept late yesterday, she forgot that she needed to send Xi Hang to the school. Mu Chu Cheng woke up early and turned off her alarm.

Xi Hang got up and prepared breakfast but Xi He was still asleep. She never does it before.

At last Xi Nuan Nuan also woke up. She sat down in the dining table and ate her bread: Little auntie, why Mama is not wake up yet? Will we send you to the school?

Yes. Xi Hang nodded: Let me go up and take a look.

Xi Hang went upstairs and knocked on her door. No one responded. She guessed that Xi He slept so soundly.

Sis, wake up.

Xi He heard noise and opened her eyes slowly. She felt so tired.

Because her alarm didnt ring, she thought that its still very early. Xiao Hang, what time is it?

Its nine oclock.

Nine oclock

Xi He sat up and took her phone. Indeed its nine oclock. She hurriedly went to the restroom: Xiao Hang, why dont you call me earlier!

Xiao Hangs face blushed because the time she woke up her up, accidentally Xi Hang looked at Xi Hes collar bone was full of kiss mark. Therere also mark of wrist and ankle.

Xi He tidied up and changed her clothes. She noticed the faint red mark on her wrist. She bit her lips: bastard Mu Chu Cheng.

She smelt her wrist, theres a smell of ointment. Supposedly this morning Mu Chu Cheng helped her to apply ointment.

Because she woke up late so Xi He ate her breakfast quickly and helped to move Xi Hangs things into the car. She drove to her school.

On the way Mu Chu Cheng called: You are awake?

Remembering this thing made Xi He furious: You turned off my alarm?

He not only tormented her for the whole night, he also made her sleep late. Now Xiao Hang was late. She could only attended the afternoon class.

Mu Chu Cheng laughed: I saw that you were so tired.

Because Xi He was driving, she opened the speaker. Shes worried that he will say something that kids shouldnt hear. Therere two other immature kid!

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