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Chapter 451

He asked the doctor: Where is Tang Zi Chus sickroom?

Because yesterday the doctor had looked for Tang Zi Chu for Tian Mi so of course he knew clearly. This moment he just realized that he should want to look for Tian Mi because she didnt come yesterday after he waited for her for a whole day.

The doctor told Gu Dong Cheng about Tang Zi Chus room number. Gu Dong Cheng dragged the young nurse to go to that room.

Both polices were afraid that he will hurt the nurse so they didnt dare to come closer. They just followed behind him. One of them called the police station.

The nurse kept on trembling. She was crying. She had watched the news that informed Gu Dong Chengs crime. She was afraid that she will be his next victim.

You are not allowed to cry! Gu Dong Cheng could feel her tears on his palm. He hated it so much.

The young nurse noticed his disgust so she bit her lips and didnt dare to let her tears fall again. She also didnt dare to speak again.

Gu Dong Cheng brought her along to Tang Zi Chus sickroom.

Knock on the door. Gu Dong Cheng instructed the young nurse.

The young nurse knocked on it. Gu Dong Cheng notice that polices were following him. He turned her body and said: If you dare to come any closer, I will just kill her.

Mother Tian didnt what happened so she just opened the door. The time she realized what had happened. She just thought: The spirit is still alive.

Gu Dong Cheng is a devil!

He wanted to meet Tian Mi, Tian Mi didnt want to meet him so he tried this way to meet her.

Mother Tians first response was wanting to close the door but Gu Dong Cheng was fast, he came inside with the young nurse.

Inside the room, there were Tang Zi Chu, Tian Mi, and Mother Tian.

Mother Tian yelled at him: Gu Dong Cheng, you are a bastard, what do you want to do? Hurry up leave!

Gu Dong Cheng ignored her. Now inside his eyes, he could only see Tian Mi. Tian Mi was beside Tang Zi Chu. She was holding his hand.

Tian Mi, I have something to say to you?

Gu Dong Cheng, you still want to play game? Tian Mi glanced at him coldly.

Tian Mi, please help me. Give birth to my child. I just beg you for a thing

Gu Dong Cheng, you are dreaming! Mother Tian said.

Its too hilarious!

If its not because the kid before I would kill Su Ran. So you need to help me by giving birth to my kid. Gu Dong Cheng didnt mind Mother Tian. He kept on watching Tian Mi.

Tian Mi let go of Tang Zi Chus hand and went toward him. Mother Tian wanted to stop her but Tian Mi shook her head: Now he doesnt have power to capture me.

She stood quite close to Gu Dong Cheng and looked at him: Gu Dong Cheng, you know that you have no way out right?

Gu Dong Cheng pursed his lips and said nothing.

Because he knows that he has no way out, he couldnt avoid the death so he wants to have a kid to continue his family name. He hopes that when he dies, his kid will continue to live.

You know it so you planned to come here. Gu Dong Cheng, you are too selfish. Tian Mi laughed coldly: What is your right and condition to discuss this with me? Have you ever thought that even I give birth to this kid, yet you are not here, who will love him? Do you think I will love him?

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