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Chapter 151: You are so Impatient

After the press conference ended and Bai Zhi Rui wanted to leave, among the crowd there was a person threw several eggs on her.

Despite having her bodyguards to protect, that person still could threw several eggs precisely on her body because she mingled around the crowd.

The woman not only threw eggs on her, she even yelled: "You are the third party, you are shameless! You are really shameless!"

Because the woman appeared to sudden so it let the people on the surrounding felt startled. It was silent, even the bodyguards didn't do anything.

She could throw the eggs on target. The broken eggs fell to her face from her hair, it turned her beautiful face to the battered and exhausted face.

After she shouted out loud, everyone just gained their awareness back. Because of her action, some of the people among the group also started to blame Bai Zhi Rui.

The situation was being out of control.

Looking at this condition, Ms Chen rushed over to ask the bodyguards to escort Bai Zhi Rui to the car.

Before the one who threw the eggs on her was a middle-aged woman. She obviously came prepared. If not how could she bring eggs?

Although she was being caught by the bodyguard, but she seemed to be calmed. She just looked at Bai Zhi Rui and said: "Bai Zhi Rui, you are the third party. You are specialized in wrecking family of others."

The scene started to be more and more chaotic, those bodyguards almost unable to control the situation on site. Bai Zhi Rui left as soon as possible. She sped up and several of her assistants and Ms Chen followed her to avoid those people act.

She just aimed to leave first, she didn't even care about what was on her face or hair.

It was until they were in the car.

Her assistant passed her a tissue, she just realized her body was full of eggs.

"Are you okay, Zhi Rui? Are you hurt?" Ms Chen looked at her.

Bai Zhi Rui didn't say anything, she was already trembling with rage. She wiped herself, then she threw the tissue to the other side.

The assistant, who sat down beside her, took another tissue and help to wipe her face cautiously.

This moment her face turned to be so cold, her little assistant didn't dare to look at her.

The driver turned his head: "Ms Chen, where would we go? Are we sending Ms Bai home now?"

"What home should I go back to? Send me to the hospital!" Bai Zhi Rui immediately said it with her cold voice.

"What happened? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ms Chen looked at her.

"I sprained my leg." Bai Zhi Rui pointed at her ankle. Before for avoiding those people, she walked so fast however some people still managed to push and push her so she sprained it.

This was a quite big problem. This period of time, Bai Zhi Rui was busy with film shooting so it was important for her to be in good health. It would be too troublesome if she couldn't shot the movie because of her legs. In condition where Bai Zhi Rui was in bad scandal, she definitely couldn't ask for a sick leave. If she asked one, it would make a difficult situation for other movie casts and crews and she would have a bad reputation.

"Hurry up go to the hospital." Ms Chen immediately commanded.

Finally the driver could break away from the paparazzi surrounded their car, he drove the car and stopped the car in some place. Bai Zhi Rui got off the car with Ms Chen and one of the assistants to take the taxi to the hospital. They did it to avoid of being followed by the paparazzi.

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