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Chapter 491

Until now, Huo Si Che was silent. He didnt speak anything. Until they were in the car, he asked the driver to go away for a while, and now its only two of them inside the car.

Why did you change your clothes? Huo Si Che finally broke the silence.

It made the clothes dirty.

How can you make it dirty?

Xi He found it quite disturbing to hear Huo Si Ches aggressive tone: Chief Huo, its unrelated to work. I dont need to report to you.

Huo Si Che suddenly turned the steering wheel to one side and pressed the brake. The car stopped on the road side.

Xi He was badly shaken, she felt her clothes were pulled: Is Mu Chu Cheng buying these? You guys stayed in the restroom for a long time, what do you do there? It should be because Mu Chu Cheng used to much strength and tore your clothes so he bought you a new one right? Xi He, indeed you are lowly! If not, why should you act highly in front of me? These long time, you still dont know my intention toward you? According to my knowledge, Mu Chu Cheng just came to An city and you stayed her for years and never left. How long have you guys known each other? And you just be together, you are so low! Why dont you just become my woman? I can give you money! Dont you love money the most? How much do you want? I will give it to you, okay?

He said it and he took his money. He threw all of it to Xi Hes face: Is it enough? If its not enough I still have credit card, you can take it, do you want?

Xi He just looked coldly at him: Huo Si Che, finally you show your true self? You dont act anymore. Indeed acting in front of me for so long should make you very tired right? Huo Si Che, dont think too highly about yourself okay? Dont think that every woman would climb to your bed with just your seduction? You think its my honor that you can like me? I should play around with you to be thankful? But in my eyes, you are the same as manure pit. I feel disgusted whenever you touched me. How can you compare yourself with Mu Chu Cheng? You are not embarrassed to compare yourself with him? You arent as good as him even for a finger!

Okay, then today I want to see which part of me cannot be compared to him! Huo Si Che laughed coldly for several time. Xi He knew what he will do. She tried to open the door and wanted to get down. But her legs were pulled by him. She turned her body and wanted to kick him. But this moment Huo Si Che were pulling her inside and locked the door.

Xi He could do martial art, but this was Huo Si Che and not Chen Xian Fei. He was quite strong. The car was also so narrow space, she couldnt protect herself.

Huo Si Che took out a rope and bounded both of her arms and pressed her down.

Xi He coudlnt move and just used her legs to kick him: Huo Si Che, if you dare to touch me, I will not leg you go!

Hehe Huo Si Che just lowered his head and tried to kiss her.

XI He felt sick!

She knew that Huo Si Che had planned this, he stopped the car in the deserted area.

Xi He bit her lips and said: Huo Si Che, according to my knowledge, you can sit dow in this chief position because your wife. I think you are not yet accepted by others. If you dare to have an affair behind her, I think you wouldnt be able to hold it!

Huo Si Che stopped: you dare to threaten me?

No, but I just give you a warning.

Xi He knew that man hated to be threatened. She said it, not for Huo Si Che to let her go. She just wanted to have a chacne.

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