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Chapter 571

Looking at this Old Madame Mu, her face turned sour: Mu Chu Cheng! Get up now!

Xi He was awake because she was surprised of Old Madame Mus scream. She opened her eyes and noticed a lot of people inside the room. She sat up.

She glared at him and blamed him to not wake her up earlier. A lot of people were watching her sleeping.

Mu Chu Cheng smiled and looked at her.

Looking at both of them were self-absorbed, Old Madame Mu became even more furious: Mu Chu Cheng, you just go home and wake up. Now you want to make us angry?

Mu Chu Cheng didnt sit up, he just laid down on his stomach. He said coldly: How could I dare enough?

Old Madame Mu laughed coldly: Not dare enough? I think you are very daring, you can do anything right?

What did I do? I just sleep with my wife in one bed, its a right and proper? Its you guys that didnt knock and just got inside. Did I give permission to let you get in?

Mu Chu Cheng! Old Madame Mu yelled: Is that a way of talking to your grandma? We came here to look at you, but how do you act?!

I get your good intention. Mu Chu Cheng said calmly: Since you are caring about me, could you treat my wife and daughter better?

Theres a lot of people inside the room, Old Madame Mu looked at the butler. The butler immediately understood her order and took the other people out so therere only four people left in the room.

Xi He wanted to get up from the bed but Mu Chu Cheng held her hands: Sleep again?

Xi He shook her head: No, I slept too long.

Mu Chu Cheng didnt let her to wake up and looked at the elders I heard that grandpa and grandpa take my daughter back to Mu house?

Old Madame Mu glared at Xi He and laughed coldly: He, I didnt expect that you reported it quickly to him.

Its reporting? Lao Fo Ye, Im not dead. You guys were impatient and snatched my daughter away to inherit Mu family? You didnt hope that Ill return?

Old Madame Mu frowned: What nonsense are you talking about? Why I couldnt think about Mu family? I asked people to find you, but theres no news. I need to be prepared. Nuan Nuan is also part of our Mu family? What is it so wrong to let her undertake the Mu family?

Nuan Nuan is indeed part of our family but dont you forget that she is born from Xi He. What is your right to snatch her away? I suppose based on your attitude, you picked her back and you didnt let Xi He to see her right? You even didnt let her to call?

Mu Chu Chengs words were right. Old Mister Mu and Old Madame Mu just looked at each other and didnt say anything.

Mu Chu Cheng also didnt care about them: Since Im back now, Grandma, grandpa, shouldnt you give back Nuan Nuan to us? We can take care of our own daughter. No need to trouble you. Later on Ill ask Ying Tong to pick her.

Mu Chu Cheng, have you cared about us?

Mu Chu Cheng looked at them: You guys keep on forgetting and dreaming to manipulate me. Since little you always treat me like the successor. You guys always wants to intervene. You used my mother to force me. Now you want to control my daughters life? Let me tell you, for Nuan Nuans future, you guys have no right to intervene. Even if I am really dead, Nuan Nuan also not someone that you can control and manipulate. You guys said that you care about me, then ask yourself, what do you really care about? Mu Chu Cheng laughed coldly: Actually its just power of Mu family? You are afraid that I am dead, Mu family has no successor. The company will go down without any successor. You are unwilling to let it handle by other people. So you even dont be certain with my death and impatiently snatch Nuan Nuan. You are worried that itll be too late, right?

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