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Chapter 541

Old Madame Mu looked at her coldly: Jiang Xin Yan, dont call me grandma. You havent married to Mu Chu Cheng, we arent in that kind of stage of relationship yet.

Hearing Old Madame Mus word made Jiang Xin Yan realized something was wrong.

Grandma, what happened?

Old Madame Mu immediately said: Ive said it to you, we are not in that kind of relationship. Arent you clear what Ive said before?

Old Madame Mu. Jiang Xin Yan didnt dare to disobey and changed her greeting. She changed to be more respectful.

Old Madame Mu threw a magazine at her: Do you read todays news?

Jiang Xin Yan was unease, she finally understood the reason Old Madame Mu changed her attitude toward her.

She took the magazine and didnt flip it. Old Madame Mu said to her: Why dont you flip it and take a look? Its just at the front page. You can see it at the first page. The news is interesting right, what do you think?

Old Madame Mu, I dont understand your point? Jiang Xin Yan glanced at it.

Really? Old Madame Mu continued: Jiang Xin Yan, do you dare to swear to God that this is not your doing? You are really bold and daring? Do you think by my and Old Misters approval for you to be Mu Chu Chengs wife means that you are Mu family hostess? You dare enough to do that trick! You think that our Mu family is easy to bully?!

Old Madame, Ive never think in that way. Jiang Xin Yan showed her sorry expression: But todays matter is unrelated to me. I dont know what happened.

Good you arent willing to confess! Old Madame Mu said: Jiang Xin Yan, I urge you to confess and admit your wrong. If not wait until I find it out, its not only you, your Jiang family will also follow you to suffer a disaster. You know Mu Chu Chengs bad temper, do you think he will keep quiet? That time I will not stop him.

Jiang Xin Yan was surprised and bit her lips.

She didnt expect that Mu familys man can check that its related to her in this short period.

Are you willing to confess or not?! Old Madame Mu slapped the coffee table.

Jiang Xin Yan finally spoke out: Im sorry, Old Madame Mu. I didnt do it in purpose. I just dont want A Cheng and Xi He be together. Its clearly I am the one of Mu Chu Chengs fianc. I was too furious that I.

So, its because of youre too emotional so you want Mu family to also suffer?

Old Madame Mu, I dont dare.

Old Madame Mu just laughed coldly: you always say that you dont dare but Jiang Xin Yan, you really dare. How many resources have you wasted to search about what happened that year?

I didnt check it, its just I heard your conversation with Old Mister on the phone. I heard it accidentally so I looked for a reporter and asked him to expose it all out. I just wanted to borrow his energy to let A Cheng and Xi He break up, I dont have any kind of intention.

Then suddenly she felt the pain on her face. She covered her face and looked at the old woman in front of her.

Jiang Xin Yans eyes turned red.

You.. slapped me.?

So what? Jiang Xin Yan. You dare to expose our scandal, you let our family be embarrassed about this. I will punish you severely after this! Old Madame Mu pointed at her and instructed Fang Gang: Fang Gang, now hurry up book a flight back to Nan City! I really want to know how will your Jiang family explain it clearly about your doing!

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