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Remarry, No Way! - Chapter 161 - Free Web Novel

Chapter 161

She also didn't expect her voice to be this hoarse at this time.

Song Ting Yu wrapped her body with the blanket and carried her to the bathroom. He filled the bathtub with the water, and placed her down.

When she was in touch with the warm water, Su Ran felt so comfortable and sighed.

Song Ting Yu took the shower gel, and rubbed it to the bubble between his hands. Then he brushed it on her body. With evil intentions he smiled: "Your voice could let me think that you actually are not satisfied, and you want me to continue."

Su Ran rolled her eyes, and her face was still piping hot: "Nonsense."

Perhaps she was too tired, or perhaps it was too comfortable so very quickly Su Ran fell asleep. Song Ting Yu also didn't let her to stay on the water for a long time, he was afraid that she would get a cold. So very quickly he wrapped her again with the towel and carried her to the bed. He wiped her wet body, placed her on the bed, and covered her with the blanket.

Song Ting Yu also immediately laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. He didn't have any sleepiness, how could the fire on his body could be calmed down easily?

But in Su Ran's current condition, he wouldn't dare to act carelessly.

He turned his body and looked at Su Ran. She already slept soundly, and he placed his hand on her belly. He stroked it lightly for several minutes then hugged her. He closed his eyes and let his mind to not thinking about anything else, but only one word: Sleep!

Because last night she was tormented by someone for a long time, so the next day she was awake late in the morning.

This was weekend, Song Ting Yu didn't need to work, but he was not in the room.

She lifted open her blanket, and sighed. The energy between men and women indeed couldn't be compared. It was obvious that both of them slept late at night, but Song Ting Yu could wake up this early and she couldn't.

She sorted herself then went downstair. She noticed there was no one downstairs. Song Wei Xi was already in the neighbor house and played with his little friends. But there was no Madame Song or Song Ting Yu.

When she was still confused, a butler came over: "Mrs, Madame Song asked me to let you have breakfast first then go to the study room."

Su Ran was startled, it seemed that they were all at the study room.

She finished her breakfast and went to the study room. She knocked the door, and the one who opened was Song Ting Yu. He held her hand to go inside: "You are awake."

Su Ran nodded and went inside. She noticed that everyone is inside the room.

Song Ting Yu let Su Ran stood beside him, "Sit down here."

"Grandma, Pa, Ma." Su Ran greeted them all.

Madam Song's face was completely mad, but after she saw Su Ran, her face gradually turned calmed. She nodded.

Chen Jing was lowering her head, she didn't respond. It also let everyone to be unable to see her face.

Su Ran remembered what happened last night, she could guess why did Madame Song call all of them to gather.

It supposedly Song Ting Yu already told Madame Song about what happened last night.

Madame Song naturally would be burned with anger.

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