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Chapter 421

Gu Dong Cheng regained himself and started to want to control the steering wheel.

This moment Tian Mi had released the steering wheel and smiled: Whats the point of controlling the steering wheel, if theres a problem with the brake?

Gu Dong Cheng tried to move the steering wheel. The car just moved straight toward the van.

Then theres a loud bumping sound. That moment, Tian Mi didnt feel anything, she just felt sorry for her parents. She felt that she had disappointed Tang Zi Chus love for her. But she couldnt endure this anymore

Her body started to be in pain, then she lost her consciousness.

Gu Dong Cheng tried hard to sit up and wanted to pull her, but he was so powerless.

He couldnt do anything and finally he also lost his consciousness.

Su Ran received a call from Mother Tian, she was at home with Song Wei Xi. The time she got a call, she asked Auntie Fang to take care of Song Wei Xi. Then she rushed to the hospital.

She was the third one to arrive. Mother Tian and Tang Zi Chu already waited outside the operation room.

Mother Tian took her handkerchief and watched the door closely. She was crying.

Hows her condition now? Su Ran looked at Tang Zi Chu.

Its not clear yet. Tang Zi Chu said with his hoarse voice.

This happened probably because of Tian Mi felt so pressured because of Gu Dong Chengs threat that she could do something as dangerous as this. She wanted to die together with Gu Dong Cheng!

Su Ran sat beside Mother Tian and patted her shoulder: Auntie, dont cry. Tian Mi will be okay.

Mother Tian said with sobs: That kid is too stupid, how can she want to die together with Gu Dong Cheng? She is too stupid. If something bad happened to her, what should we do? I and Old Tian only have one kid

Su Ran felt sorry for her and rubbed her hand: She will be fine.

Very quickly, everyone else came to the hospital, including Song Ting Yu, Lin Cheng Huan, and Ding Chen.

Tian Mi was in the operation room for quite some time, then the door was opened. Mother Tian came forward and asked the doctor: Doctor, hows my daughter?

The doctor looked at her: She is not really in critical condition. Its just her legs and arms have some injury. She already finished her surgery so you guys can be relieved.

Hearing the doctors examination, everyone was so relieved.

Tian Mi was sent to the patient room.

Mother Tian watched her only daughter and thought about something: Oh right, hows the kid inside her womb?

The doctor didnt tell them before.

When Mother Tian wanted to ask about it, the doctor came over and checked her body.

Mother Tian asked: Doctor, the kid.

Ms Tian is lucky, the kid is okay..

Mother Tians face was paled. This moment she really hoped the kid is gone. After all, Tian Mi doesnt want this kid.

Tian Mi woke up at the midnight. Mother Tian stayed inside the room all the time.

Mi Mi, how are you now?

Tian Mi looked at the ceiling and took a deep breath..

She knew that she is alive and not yet die..

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