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Chapter 211

Hearing this, Bai Zhi Rui laughed coldly: "He is hiding from me?"

The manager showed his calm: "I don't know what do you mean, I don't know whether he is hiding or not, but he indeed is sick. Today he asked for a day off, we couldn't stop him. If Ms Bai doesn't believe then, you could look for him by yourself"

Seems like he was asking for a day off, Bai Zhi Rui looked at the manager: "Where is his house?"

Though manager was really patient, but his voice was cold: "I'm sorry, Ms Bai. We couldn't just give you his address. If you want to meet him, perhaps you could wait here. I will go first, Ms Bai. We are so busy now, please don't overdo it"

The manager said it then left.

Bai Zhi Rui sat down there for a moment, then stood up. She walked around the restaurant for a round, indeed there was no him today. She then went to the restroom to call.

Tang Zi Chu said: "Ms Bai, Chief Song asked you to come out."

Bai Zhi Rui went outside then got on the car. She looked at the man beside her: "You already see the situation, today he is off."

Song Ting Yu nodded, he didn't say anything.

Bai Zhi Rui looked at the window: "I already did it as your order. Now could I leave?"

"When it's all done, I will let yo go."

"When will it all done?" Bai Zhi Rui was impatient.

Song Ting Yu looked at her, his eyes were cold: "What do you think? Now you even couldn't find who gave you the drug."

Bai Zhi Rui sat down in the car and was silent. Then she said: "Yesterday I went to visit Chen Jing. She takes all the blame, she didn't say anything about my doing. You are lying to me"

"If you have no guilt, how could you be deceived?" Song Ting Yu laughed coldly: "Now you don't have any choice."

Bai Zhi Rui used her hand to support her forehead, she knew Song Ting Yu was right. Now except for him, there would be no one would help her, no one would give her a choice to leave. She just only does what he wants.

Because she didn't have anyone else.

Before she visited Chen Jing, she thought Chen Jing gave the number of the one who gave her medicine in exchange for her own life, but yesterday when she met her, she just wanted Song Ting Yu to give Bai Zhi Rui's a way out.

The car stopped at Bai Zhi Rui's little area. She opened the door and got off.

"Let's go." Song Ting Yu said.

"Chief Song, what should we do now?"

"Wait." Song Ting Yu said.

Actually earlier they had asked people to search for the address of that man, moreover they also asked someone to follow him. If there was a sign of disturbance, they would inform him.

Today that boy was off, of course it wouldn't be as simple as sick.

Tang Zi Chu looked that it's not early anymore, so he said: "Then Chief Song, I will send you home. If there's any news, I would contact you immediately."


Today was Saturday, Song Ting Yu wanted to take Song Wei Xi go out to the zoo that he wanted.

Song Wei Xi would be in operation soon, didn't know what would happen then. But for the time being he would be staying in the hospital soon for period of time.

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