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~Hermione POV~

I woke up this morning in the Weasley house. I looked around my eyes landing on Ginny who already had her trunk packed. I sat up getting out of bed grabbing the clothes I laid out last night. I pulled on a pair of Dark wash skinny jeans, with a light gray knitted sweater, and my brown high heeled ankle boots. I tamed my reddish blond hair before doing my make-up. I lined my eyes with a thin layer of black eye liner, and some mascara, before levitating my trunk down stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see everyone sitting at the table. I smiled as we all turned our heads at the sound of the front door opening. I looked at Harry and smiled giving him a hug. We pulled away, Ron came over wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me into his side. I smiled and watched as our new defense against the dark arts teacher walked in, I pulled out of Ron's hold giving him a hug.

"Congratulations Professor."

I pulled away looking up at Sirius, he smiled at me.

"Thank you Hermione, it means a lot coming from someone as bright as you."

I smiled, shaking my head taking a seat next to Ron. I smiled at him and he kissed my nose making it scrunch up, he chuckled, before focusing on his food. When we finished eating we used the flu to Diagon alley, weaving our way through the shops before heading to Kings Cross Station. We went through the wall onto platform nine and three quarters getting on the train. Harry, Ron, Sirius, and I walked through the aisle to our cabin. I took my seat next to Ron while Harry sat next to Sirius. It was then that I actually looked at him. Not much has changed, but now I can actually see his gray eyes. When he looks at me, I feel like he can see right through me. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to him. The problem is he's a teacher and around twenty years older than me. Not to mention I'm with Ron and Sirius would never want a girl like me. I may be the brightest witch of my age, but to him that's all I'll ever be. As we pulled into the station outside Hogsmeade. We grabbed our things walking off the train. Sirius walked in front of me and I felt someone push me, I fell off the step tripping Sirius landing right on his chest. I heard him groan and I knew that I had hurt him, he looked at me and I looked at him.

"Sorry, I was kinda pushed."

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's alright, just please get off me."

"Oh, right, sorry."

He shook his head, and I pushed myself up, Ron came over helping me while Harry helped Sirius, I looked at Sirius a small blush forming on my face.

"I'm sorry, again."

"It's alright Hermione."

I nodded my head as Ron took my hand leading me to the carriages so we could start our trip to the castle. I hopped in the carriage, sitting next to Ron while Harry sat across from me. Ron looked at me and I smiled kissing his cheek, as he took my hand in his, looking into my eyes.

"What's up with you and Sirius?"

I gave him a weird look.

"Ron what are you talking about?"

"I mean this morning you were sorta all over him, and then back at the station I don't know, you were just acting weird."

I shook my head.

"Nothing is going on between Sirius and I, he's my professor, not to mention he's twenty years older than me. I was congratulating him this morning, and at the station someone pushed me and I landed on him. It was an accident, what's gotten into you?"

I moved away sitting next to Harry who was shaking his head at us.

"You've both gone completely mental."

I smacked his arm letting out a small chuckle shaking my head, I looked up as we came to the castle. We hopped out of the carriage and began our walk through the front doors. Memories flooded my mind as I remembered the battle and the people we lost. I know for the first few weeks back it's going to be hard, but we'll make it. We always have, it's going to take a lot more than a few sorrowful thoughts to break us. I looked at Harry, and Ron linking our arms as we walked through the doors into the dinning hall, sitting at the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall soon stepped up to the podium giving her welcome back speech before hatting in the first years. We all sat down eating and I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I was being watched. I looked up at the teachers table to see Sirius in Snapes old seat, his gray eyes locked on me. I quickly looked away with a small blush on my face, I don't know why I'm like this, but I honestly don't like it. I don't want to be all blush, I want to be me, the tough strong girl I was a year ago. When dinner ended we all headed to the common rooms putting our things away and getting ready for our first day of class.

~Sirius' POV~

I walked onto the train sitting across from Hermione and Ron, Ron holding her hand like she's his life line, I let out a sigh shaking my head. I don't know what was going on with me, I looked out the window blocking out everything around me getting lost in my thoughts. Ever since Hermione hugged me this morning I haven't been able to look at her the way I used to, I'm seeing her not as a girl but as a young woman. She's smart and funny, she knows what she wants in life and I really admire that in a woman. However I know that if I were to try anything now it would just ruin any chance she has for a normal life. At the same time though every time Ron touches her I feel this anger in me, I know what it is, I just wish it would go away. I was pulled from my thoughts by the train stopping, we all stood up and I walked out Hermione following behind me. I stepped onto the platform only to be pushed to the ground with Hermione landing on my chest, I looked up at her groaning in pain.

"Sorry, I was kinda pushed."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"It's alright, just please get off me."

She nodded her head.

"Oh, right, sorry."

I shook my head, as she pushed herself up, Ron helped her while Harry helped me, Hermione looked at me with a small blush.

"I'm sorry, again."

"It's alright Hermione."

She nodded her head, dropping the situation as Ron took her hand leading her to the carriages, while I took the professor's entrance. I headed to Snapes old dungeon office, taking over as headmaster of the Slytherin house. I set up my office, putting my things away before heading to the dinning hall. I took Snape's old seat looking around my eyes landing on a girl in Gryffindor robes and reddish blond hair with natural waves. I couldn't take my eyes off her and I'm guessing she felt it by the way she looked up at me before quickly looking away. I don't know what I'm thinking, she'll never want to be with an old man like me, hell why would she want me when she has Ron. He's what's best for her, if she's with me she risks losing her education, while I risk losing my job. I can't put her and Harry through that, they deserve so much more. When dinner ended I watched as she got up heading to the Gryffindor common room. While I headed to my room in the dungeon getting ready for the first day of classes.

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