~Failed Attempts & Nearly Dead~

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~Sirius' POV~

Today I'm heading to Ron's family house, apparently everyone calls it the shell cottage. This place in my last hope, I don't know what I'll do, or where I'll look if she's not there. It's been four days since Hermione was taken and I've looked everywhere that I thought he would take her, even her old family home. I just want her to be safe, back in my arms again and I know that if I don't find her now, I may never see her again. I grabbed my black jacket like and pulled on my boots before walking out of the dungeon only to run into Harry. He's been trying so hard to help, but honestly I don't want it. He could've prevented all of this had he just told us that Ron was out. I looked at him shaking my head before walking down the hall. He grabbed my wrist trying to stop me and I ripped it from his hold.

"You can't l do this alone Sirius."

I froze in my spot before turning around and looking at him.

"I don't have a choice but to do it alone, you didn't give me a choice. If you had told me that he was out I could've prevented this. You got one of your best friends and the girl I love kidnapped by a psycho who's raped and beaten her multiple times. The way I see it Harry, you've helped enough, you've done enough, let me handle this and stay away from us."

He looked at me and I knew that I had hurt him, the only thing is, I don't give two fucks about his feelings. I have to go find the love of my life and bring her back before it's too late, I don't have a choice in that. I'm not going to let her suffer for a mistake that he made, she doesn't deserve that. I've killed many wizards in my day but this one is personal. I walked out of the school and down to the portkey only to be stopped yet again by Minerva, she looked at me shaking her head.

"Sirius you can't do this."

"Minerva, I don't have a choice, he's going to kill her, it's only a matter of time, now get out of my way."

"Your judgement is clouded by hatred, you do this, you go in there and you'll die and get her killed too. Please rethink this, take Harry with you, or someone, don't do this alone, please Sirius, for Hermione."

I looked at her shaking my head.

"Harry knew Ron was out, he never told us, no one else should get hurt in this. That's why I'm going alone, and if I die, then at least I died fighting for the girl I love."

"Is that Really what Hermione would want, you to save her only for her to lose you moments later? Hermione wouldn't want to live a life without you in it, that I'm certain of, at least let me go with you Sirius, please."

I shook my head at her before continuing my walk.

"I won't let anyone else die for her and I, that she'll never be able to live with."

I took the pool key landing on a white sunny beach before starting my walk. I walked along the sand before coming to a big house and I knew that this was it. I walked in looking around a bit, before an ear shattering scream rolled through the house. I ran up the stairs and opened the door to see Hermione chained to the bed, her naked body on show. Ron looked at me holding a knife in his hand, before making one last cut along her thigh. Her screams filled my ears once again as I watched the blood slowly trickle down her beautiful skin. I looked at Ron and he chuckled before standing up, I grabbed my wand and he used his to take it away. I looked at Hermione and she shook her head at me before mouthing the word 'Go', I shook my head looking at Ron.

"So this was your plan all along, kidnap her just to torture her?"

He chuckled an evil smirk playing on his face.

"As a matter of fact it was to have the both of you here so I could bleed you both out together, but lately you've had your guard up so that part was put on hold until now."

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