~Late Proposal & Planning~

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~Sirius' POV~

It's been three weeks since I planned to propose to Hermione, the problem is the time just never seems right. I wanted to ask her two weeks ago, the third week just ended up being extra. Today's the day though, I talked to Minerva asking if Hermione and I could take a leave for about a week or so. I just hope Hermione likes where I'm taking her, I don't know what she's like when it comes to certain things. I just hope she'll be okay with it, Hermione and I left tonight after dinner, she woke up today and looked around not understanding why some of my clothes were missing. I decided that I'd let her pack her own things when we get back after dinner, I don't know what she wants or needs to take with her. I helped Harry with four classes today and couldn't get any of the work done that I needed to, I couldn't get tonight and Hermione of my mind. Dinner soon rolled around and I looked at Hermione to see her smiling and laughing with Harry and Ginny, it made me smile just knowing that she's happy. I was pulled from my thoughts by dinner being dismissed, and Hermione walking up to me with a smile on her face. I pulled her into my chest giving her a kiss before pulling away, she smiled at me.

"So, what are we doing this weekend?"

"I have something planned, but you have to go pack a bag, something nice, a lot of causal, and a swimsuit if you have one."

She smiled.

"Sirius, what are you planning?"

"Now that my love is a surprise."

She smiled and kissed my cheek before taking my hand, we walked to our chamber, she packed her things changing her clothes. When she came back I took her hand and we walked down to the portkey by the main gates. I took her to my family cabin and watched as she looked in awe at the beauty around us, but the only beauty I saw was her. Here it's only around noon, while back at Hogwarts it's like ten at night, she and I have a lot of time, she looked at me and smiled.

"What is this place?"

"It's my family summer home, my parents left it to Regulus considering I was in Azkaban when they passed, then when he passed it was left to me."

"It's beautiful, but I'm tired and it's still sunny."

She looked at me funny and I laughed a bit.

"That's because here it's only noon, while back at Hogwarts it's ten in the evening."

She shook her head, and I took her hand leading her to the house, it was small with few windows and made of wood. It sat next to a huge crystal clear lake, that was lined with white rocks, and trees were scattered all around the land. When we got inside it looked much bigger, thank god for magic, I took her upstairs showing her the bedroom that had a bathroom attached to it. She smiled, setting her purse on the chair before going to the bed and turning to face me, she smiled before falling on the bed. I chuckled, shaking my head as I walked over standing between her legs. I took her hand pulling her up into my chest as she wrapped her legs around my waist, I looked into her eyes.

"Get changed, I want to show you something?"

"Do I have to?"

I chucked, shaking my head.

"Yeah, it's important."

She let out a sigh unwrapping herself from me, I left so she could get changed while I got dressed in the spare bedroom. When I was done I walked down stairs and waited for Hermione in the main room. I pulled the ring from my pocket and looked at it with a small smile on my face, I hope she likes it, and I hope it's enough for her.

~Hermione's POV~

After Sirius left I grabbed my bag looking through it until I found my long black casual dress with white flowers and my black short heel wedges. I left my hair natural before pulling on my dress and slipping into my shoes. I did my make-up putting on a light layer of black eyeliner and some mascara. When I was ready I walked downstairs to the main room to see Sirius, he looked up at me, and I smiled. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the top three buttons undone, along with a pair of dark wash jeans and his usual steel toe boots. All I could think the whole time that I looked at him was damn, my man's hot, and I can totally live with it. I was pulled from my thoughts by Sirius taking my hand, I looked at him and smiled as he kissed my cheek. We walked outside starting our walk around the lake, we soon came to a stop at the end of the dock. I looked at him kind of confused as he gave me a nervous smile, he took my left hand in his before getting down on one knee. He pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it showing me a gold ring making my eyes go wide.

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