Chapter 1: Miserable first Introductions

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"Jade! Can you please bring down my straightener?!" My mom yelled from the bathroom downstairs, I just stood there looking at my figure in the mirror. I have never really cared about how my body looked but now seeing it in the tight dress my mom was forcing me to wear I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

So before running downstairs I threw on a pair of baggy sweat pants feeling ten times better. I quickly made my way down the stairs and into the bathroom revealing my stressed mother who was aggressively stroking her eyelashes with mascara while mumbling nonsense under her breath.

"Here, mum" I say softly handing her the straightener her eyes darted towards me at the sound of my voice. "Thank youuuu," she said grabbing the straightener then turning back towards the mirror and pulling her right eyebrow upward with her long finger and started plucking her thin eyebrow.

"Do we have to do this?" I whine leaning against the frame of the door with my arms crossed, my mother spared me no glance as she said sweetly "yes sweetheart and you will behave yourself in front of Mason. It's just dinner it's not the end of the world, now, go help you sister with her hair" my mother turned her head to face me and then looked down at the sweatpants I was wearing with my dress tucked in sloppily she then regained eye contact with me.

A sheepish smile stretched across my face as she gave me a amused frown "those sweatpants better be off by the time I'm done my hair" she said firmly pointing at my comfy sweatpants with the straightener. I just rolled my eyes as I turned around and started walking down the hall "I mean it!" my mother yelled from the bathroom.

My name is Jade Williams, I'm 16 and this is the story about how my world got flipped upside down.

"I'm in love with the shape of you" sang a small but loud voice inside my sister's room I pushed open the door to reveal my 14-year-old sister dancing around in front of her mirror with a toothbrush in her hand I couldn't help but let a little smirk crack in the corner of my mouth as I walked in causing her to jump at my sudden arrival.

Her face settled from her surprise expression into an annoyed one which just looked cute especially with the little bit of toothpaste on the corner of her lip, " you scared me, jerk" she said walking into her bathroom which I always thought ways unfair that she got to have her own bathroom when I'm older!

I flopped down onto her bed looking at the ceiling trying to prepare myself mentally for what was to come in 20 minutes, thoughts and questions cloud my mind as my eyes slowly shut, you see, my father was involved in a gang about 2 years ago.

At first, it was just weird phone calls and my dad always randomly disappeared for three days before returning, he told us that he got a new job and that this was going to start a new chapter in our own lives but something about this new job made my father angry and full of hatred that soon turned towards my mother. I tried to protect her when my Dad had his worst days which were when it's so bad my mom couldn't even walk but in the end, he just ended out taking it out on me but never my sister, Parker who was his pride and joy, his ' beauty. ' Of course, he loved me too but not the way he loved her.

Mom eventually couldn't handle it anymore, she just snapped and ran as far away from us as possible which in reality who wouldn't but to leave her children with a monster like him, that hurts even more.

After my mom left my father became a powerful gang leader and our house always swarming with a terrifying man that would bring guns and drugs and just consume our once safe home with pure darkness. After a while, the police started getting suspicious and caught my father red-handed, putting him in jail leave me and Parker alone.

We were then put into foster care, moving from house to house. I'm a bit of a trouble maker and I hated every family we went to so I gave them hell.

Still being the protector of my baby sister, about two months into foster care we had stayed in Fifteen homestays and left every one of them, the foster care had no idea what to do with us so as a last resort they were going to send us to separate public schools for girls. Just thinking of being separated from Parker made my skin crawl, it is never going to happen.

I will not let us be separated and with that promise I had planned to get a job and we would run away, live just the two of us away from our father and the trauma he ingrained into us.

Just as we were about to leave the foster care center a women appeared in the front entrance, her short blondes hair, her thin face, and perfect blue eyes, sheepishly stood in front of us. " Hi, girls" my mother said softly her voice full of pain and love. Since then we have lived with our mother, it's just been us three until now.

"Are those sweatpants?" I heard my sister laugh pulling me out of my thoughts. I put my hands over my eyes and then mumbled a soft 'yes'. The space beside me on the bed was suddenly weighed down by something heavy I then looked over to see my sister lay beside me with her feet dangling off the bed the same way mine did.

"So, you ready for this?" She asked turning her head to look at me. Her blue eyes looking into my identical ones, I let a soft smile appear on my face then turned my head to face the ceiling again "nope" popping the 'p' my sister laughed slightly then stood up on the bed so she was now sitting with her legs crossed I then did the same and put my hand out and pushed her forehead.

"Turn around so I can do your hair before mom kills us both," I said amused as my little sister rubbed her forehead "uhh ow" She whined punching my arm and turned around so her back was facing me. I gently pulled her brown hair over her shoulder and started to braid it.

"Jade?" Parker asked softly "yeah?" Her soft, thin hair in my fingers brushed against my fingers and I continued "do you think this Mason guy will be like dad?" The words were nothing more than a whisper be I heard quite clearly. The room was silent for a few moments "I hope not" my voice strain as they left my throat.

I never want Parker to experience that pain ever again I want to protect her from the world " we can trust mom, and if this guy makes her happy then I guess we should try to get along with him " I said trying to provide comfort but to be honest I was scared myself.

I can't help but put up a wall, that's the way my father raised me whether I like it or not my past is a part of me. The scares that cover my body physically and mentally by my father was his method of ' making you stronger and to get rid of weakness ' but for the sake of my mother, I will try to put on a smile on my face.


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