Chapter 12: First Day of Hell

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The school was huge! Even more intimidating then I thought it would be. The teens and groups of people all stare at us. I mean of course, every one of my new step brothers are popular like that was obvious but I feel like I'm living with supermodels! We walked to the front door of the school I could hear people whispering and gossiping as we walked towards the big sign with 'office' on it.

I caught Emerson out of the corner of my eye, I looked and he was swapping saliva with a girl who skirt was way to small.
Benjamin wrapped his arm around my shoulders "don't look at that kid, it will haunt your dreams" a small smile creeped across his lip.

"Where'd she find a skirt that small, the ages 9 to 12 section" I mumbled but I guess I spoke to loudly the girl stopped running her hands and lips all over Emerson and gave a deadly glare as her jaw dropped out of shock. Benjamin burst out laughing and I caught Emerson covering his smile, I felt my face heat as we entered the building.

We walked toward a large desk with a tall, thin, pale woman with square glasses that were placed at the end of her large nose "Hello Miss. Yo, I would like to have the schedules for Jadelyn and Parker Williams" Benjamin said sweetly.

Miss.Yo looked between me and Jade her big nose lifted in the air "I see" was all she said before pulling a drawer open and pulled out two fills then handed Benjamin two pieces of paper "Thank you"

Apparently I had social studies first and Benjamin had to go that way for his Bio class so he walked me to class. Before I went in, my heart beat raced "don't worry Princess, you will be fine" he said giving me a big smile that could steal any girls heart "Thank you" I mumbled back he ruffled my hair then turned the corner out of sight. I took a deep breath before walking into class.

The room was pretty big, long desks lined up in rows and big windows that show a beautiful garden that was in the center of the school. Luckily there was like two people sitting in the room and it looked as though the teacher wasn't here either I guess it was still pretty early. I decided to go close to the back where there was this perfect spot by the window giving a perfect view of the garden!

I pulled out my note book and my pencil case and just looked at the garden and all of its beauty.  "Excuse me? Can I sit next to you" I looked over to see a girl with beautiful brown curls that was shoulder length, her skin a gorgeous gold brown color "Sure" I said quickly grabbing my bag from her seat and putting it down on the ground I looked around the room and realized how many people have coming in, the classroom was almost full. I really space out to much, I thought bitterly run my hand over my face before turning to her.

"So what's your name?" The girl asked her voice soft and shy "Parker, you?" I responded, the girl twiddle her thumbs nervously "Emma" I smiled "that's a beautiful name" her gaze widened "really? My ma named me after her first cat that she had when she was little and...and sometimes when we are at my grans house my ma would call for me and my gran would be like 'Mary stop calling to that mangy cat! It died years ago' or 'stop feeding that cat it will get fat'" I couldn't help but laugh "well I don't think your a cat but Emma does suit you!" I complimented.

Then a silence fell in the room as a man with a long black coat that sweeps the floor walked in, he looked to be tall but his back was hunched and his head low. His eyes were a light brown color that almost looked gold when the sun hit it just right but black bangs shadowed under his eyes. He walked over to his messy desk "we have a new student, stand and interrupted yourself" his cold, husky voice filled the room making my shutter.

I quickly stood up from my seat almost tipping it over, everyone chuckled but was silenced by the teacher slammed his fist onto his desk. "My name is Park Williams , I moved from Brooklyn and I can't wait to start this year with you" my hand were shaking so much "thank you Williams, my name is Jon Clark and I will be your social studies teacher. Now....." the rest of class went by pretty quickly and Emma and I decided to stick together being that we both have the same classes.


It was now lunch and I was so nervous, the cafeteria was flooded with people flowing in and out of the room hitting and shoving as we weaved through the people "Okay, let's grab lunch before we find our seats" Emma whisper yelled in my ear so I would hear her better in the loud talking and clatter of people eating.

We joined the line that was so long I couldn't see where it started, I looked searching and scanning the hundreds of people hoping to find my sister somewhere in the crowd. My heart heavy as my sister was nowhere to be found, Emma's gently pulled on my sleeve as we move further up the line "Hey, um why are the Black brothers looking at you?" I quickly looking in the direction Emma was looking and spotted Benjamin, Emerson and Aiden sitting at one of the tables.

Benjamin had his arm around a girl in a cheerleader costume, next to him sat Emerson with a girl sitting on his lap and across the table was Aiden who had a football in his hands  with two of his friends sitting beside him.

Benjamin locked eyes with me and gave me a smirk before raising his hand and with his index finger beckoning me over, Emma's eyes grew larger "Oh my gosh he's calling you over? Oh your in trouble! Those brothers are one of the most intimidating boys in the school" I knew my step brothers were intimidating but the look on Emma's face was like they were in the mafia or something.

I slowly walk out of line to all of a sudden feeling embarrassment as I slowly made it to their table but was relieved that I knew some familiar faces in this massive cafeteria, I fidgeted with my fingers.

"hey kid, how was your first day? Who's the cutie that was stand next to you?" Benjamin asked with a sweet smile, the girl sitting beside him shoved his arm when he said 'cutie' "Umm it's going okay and eww, that's my new friend Emma she seems sweet" I said smiling back at Emma who was hiding behind the guy in front of her not enjoying the attention we were giving her.

"Have you seen Jade?" I asked looking around the room again but instead of finding my sister I realized a bunch of people whispering and staring at us. My cheeks flushed and I looked at my feet just wanting to run and hide to then feel a hand come gently down on my shoulder. I jumped and looked up to see Jade, clothes and hair soaked "h..hey" she breathed.

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