Chapter 5: Moving Day

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Chapter 5

~ Parker's POV ~

As I watch Matthew and Emerson walk over to their table that had a few adults, probably family members, Jade quickly grabbed a glass of champagne then searched the room till she landed on me. I was hiding beside one of the big pillars that connect to the roof Jade let her lips curl up into a cheeky smile which I returned letting a little laugh. She is the best sister I could ever ask for, my protector, my friend. "Hehehe" she laughed lowly speed walking over to me causing me to just shake my head at her silliness.

She stopped at the pillar I was standing behind and turned so her back was facing me with her hand behind her back with the glass half full of champagne, I took the glass and took a quick sip so no one could see and then placed it back in her hand. She turned around facing me taking a quick sip of the champagne we both looked at each other for a second before laughing as quietly as we could, "wow" she said holding the glass close to her face "that is some good champagne!" She said chuckling again "rich people," I said with a smile then looked around the room to make sure no one saw us.

I then spotted Zac coming towards us Jade was still talking about how good the champagne was I quickly put my hand over her mouth "yo, Zac is coming! We got to hide it" I whispered removing my hand Jade's head spun around looking in the direction I was looking "shoot!" She said being aware that I was there so didn't swear.

She looked around to try and find a hiding spot "uhhhh if you drink it all then he has no proof that we did" she said wide-eyed, I just laughed at her stupid idea "then I would be drunk! I think he would notice that more than one of our hands behind your back" Jade just looked at me for a sec "okay okay!" She said trying to look casual as Zac approached us and greeted him with a crooked smile.

His big arms crossed over his chest with a raised eyebrow, oh no, Jade and I just responded with a sheepish smile "hey?" which sounded more of a question then a greeting "what you got there?" He said trying to look behind Jade's back I quickly move closer to Jade so our shoulders were touching which just made him even more suspicious.

"Parker, what were you guys doing?" Zac said leaning over putting his hands on his knees as he looked directly into my eyes like he knew I was the weakest out of the two of us which was true, I was a terrible liar which my dad would always use against Jade, for example when Jade was 10 and I was 8 Jade decided to play baseball in the house and hit the ball right into father's liquor cabinet smashing his favorite beer.

When he got home Jade told him some boy did it which was a pretty convincing lie being that smashed windows were common in our neighbourhood. All the boys would play in the field behind our old rickety house. But my father wasn't convinced, so he took my small hand and took me into his room where he would used only when punishing or talk to us.

I remember him sitting down on the side of the bed as he looked down at my small trembling figure, I could feel the tears building up, I didn't want to get punished, not after seeing how hurt Jade and my mother looked all the time.

"don't cry princess, I will never hurt you" my father's voice was soft but like sandpaper, his big hand cupped my red cheeks whipping away a tear that escaped my watery eyes "now, tell me, did Gavril break my el licor espiritoso?" (Liquor) my fathers voice dark and cold same as his eye, also 'Gavril' is Jade's middle name our father choose our middle names Gavril means Warrior of God which my father always said Jade's only reason for coming into this world was to be his little warrior and protector of Zehra, me, the pride and beauty of my father gang.

No one dared to even touch me because of the invisible crown that sat on my head, at first we both refused to what our father wanted us to be. Jade fought the most against my father but our father quickly made sure to put her in her place, anyway, in the end, I told my father that it was my older sister which quickly lead to her having a broken arm and a black and blue eye. I spent hours crying into her chest and she pets my hair with her okay arm as she sang me a soft lullaby which I interrupted "I'" my voice shaky and muffled through the fabric of her warn out shirt she just tightened her grip pushing me more into her warm body.

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