Chapter 23: Detention

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After that embarrassing experience the class went by quickly and in no time I was the only one sitting in the class room, head down in shame as I continued to finish up the notes that I messed during my nap. I couldn't believe I got detention! As I spun my cat pen around in my hand Aiden walked into the room, his hands in his pockets a scowl on his face. Our eyes met and I noticeable shrunk in my chair, he walked over to my teacher how was marking something.

He looked up noticing someone had entered and met wide eyed with Aiden, Mr.James cowed in his chair nervously before saying "Aiden, w..what can I help you with?" He said as calmly as possible "I'm here to collect my stepsister" he said coldly. I felt a little hurt that he still didn't think of my like family but I quickly pushed it aside, Mr.James flinched at the word sister but quickly recovered "I'm sorry, but Miss,Willams has to stay for another hour" He said more confidently.

"Parker, come on we're leaving." Aiden said plainly and being more scared of Aiden then I was of my teacher I stood up and started packing my stuff up, "uhh" Mr.James began but Aiden had shoot him a warning look that made even me flinch. Swinging my backpack over my shoulder I timidly walked to Aiden feeling his intense eyes glued to me, I looked over to my teacher who just sighed "Fine, Parker review the notes that you missed we have a test on Thursday."

I gave a small nod before followed Aiden out, once the door closed behind us I let out a sigh of relief to feel a sharp pull of my ear "what do you think you were doing!?" Aiden scolded still holding my ear "ow ow that hurts" I wined grabbing his hand that held the tight grip as we walked down the empty hall. "Sleeping in class?! Do you have a death wish?!" He huffed.

"Ow I'm sorry!" I yelled "I will only let go if you say, oh great Aiden thank you for saving my stupid ass from detention" he said in a weird accent. I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness which just cause him to pulled my ear higher "ow ow ow okay, okay! Oh great Aiden, thank you for saving my ass from detention!" I cried "I'm sorry that's 'stupid ass'" he corrected making me groan in pain. "Thank you for saving my stupid ass! Now let go!!" I wined and with relief he let go. I held my now sore ear and pouted, I glared over to Aiden to see he had a pleased smirk on his face as if he just accomplished a great deed. I glared darker as I punched his arm making him laugh and raise him hands in defense.

We walked threw the school talking about our days until we reached the schools field where practice was still happening, we walked over to the bleachers to spot Jade sitting by herself, headphones in as she drew peacefully in her sketch book. I smile as I sit down beside her, she looks up give a loving smile. She sets down her stuff before reaching over and unexpectedly picks me up and sits me on her lap wrapping her arms comfortably around me as her head rests on my shoulder, "long day?" I laugh softly in which Jade just nods her head.

I looked over to Aiden who is pouting "I want hugs too"  he wined I glare at him dramatically before huffing "people who pinch ears don't get hugs."

"What?" Jade laughed her body vibrating under me. I just cross my arms looking into the field of sweaty boys "It's your fault for getting detention!" Aiden scolded, Jade gasped and I turned my face away from hers not wanting to meet her amused gaze "you got detention?" Jade laughed softly.

"What'd you do?" Jade asked I huffed "Nothing! I just feel asleep in class! It wasn't even a good dream so in the end who is really at fault!" I snapped. Jade was quite for a moment before saying "yeah I get them too."

I suddenly felt relieved, which was wrong of me to find peace in Jade suffering the same as me by remembering our past but I did. Practice ended, and Emerson and Benjamin walked over to the benches where we were. I smiled feeling pity for them, they looked so tired but before I could say anything Aiden just had to open his stupid mouth "guess who got detention" he sang and the once tired twins were now frowned darkly.

I could feel myself cower as I waited for my death, "seriously, you've been here all of two days and you've already got beat up, pranked Sarah, and now got
detention!? You just asking to get yelled at" Emerson snapped. My eyes widen, wait I've only done one of three things. "Come on Jade, at least try to get along with the teachers" Benjamin said looking disappointed as he whipped his sweat from his forehead.

Jade just stood still standing on the bleachers as she nodded her head not saying a word she looked at me and gave me a tight lip smile before walking away from everyone towards the parking lot. "It was Parker who got detention not Jade" Aiden said making my cheeks flush, Emerson and Benjamin looked wide eyed at me Benjamin's ones of guilt. Emerson sighed "let's go."

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