Chapter 15: Picking Fights

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The Barbie walk face to face with me "you know maybe if you weren't so ugly you could be one of my minions" she smiled pulling out her ruby red lipstick from out of her purse "hmm to bad!" I said smiling sarcastically. Her smile turned into a foul frown, she then grabbed my face and pulled me closer to her then put back on her fake smile.

"We really need to wash that mouth of yours" she scowled putting the lipstick up to my bottom lip and painted a red streak across it she then grabbing hold of the shower head and nodded to the girls holding me down.

The girl on the right of me grabbed the handle "don't" I said sternly but all the girls just laugh viciously, fury boiled in my blood I ripped my arm out of one of the girls claws then swung my elbow back into her nose hearing a sick crack.

I quickly tried to move out of the stall but then quickly grabbed me again and pulled me back, the freezing water fell down soaking me head to toe. The girl I smoked in the face had both her hands up to try and stop the gushing blood that was pouring out, "you b#tch! You broke me beautiful fucking nose!" She screamed slamming my shoulder painfully into the wall "Katy don't hurt her to bad, we wouldn't want people think badly of us" The queen Barbie said addressing the nosebleed girl who I guess was Katy.

"Could you stop bleeding on me? it's gross" I said rolling my eyes in disgust, Katy gridded her teeth from the rage building up "Katy, go clear yourself up, you look like a psycho" one of the girls said. Katy growled then quickly straighten up still looking straight into my eyes, I gave her a fake sweet smile which made her fly at me with rage causing me to flinch, waiting for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Katy kicking and grunting against the arms of her friends who caught her and were trying to calm her down while leading her towards the sinks out of sight.

Leaving only four other minions, the queen looking down amusingly at my trembling wet body as the water was still raining down on me. I fought against the girls holding me in place, their nails digging into my skin. "Listen you whore, Emerson is mine! If you ever go near him again I will let Katy do whatever she wants to you.

Just because you're new doesn't mean you get to swipe my boyfriend" the Barbie yelled as her neatly painted nails dig until her palm, jealousy filled her eye, she glared at me with resent before a sick smile curled her lips up and then slightly nodding her head causing the girls that were holding me to throw me onto the hard tile floor.

She crouched down so we were now at eye level then forcefully grabbed my face making me wince "got it?" She snapped, eyes sharper then a knife. Is she....serious? Who can be that dumb?! That's hilarious I couldn't help but burst into laughter "How big is your ego?" I breathed through laughs "he's my step brother, you stupid slut!" I snapped.

Her eyes went wide, the girls surrounding us gasped. Then a shadow towered oven us "Sarah....sarah" one of the girls warned while trembling in fear.

I slowly looked up to met Will's coal black eyes that made me both relieved and terrified. Sarah jumped up to her feet and squeaked "Wi...Will"

He looked down at me for a second and I could see his eyes soften a little before darting back to Sarah's making her cower even more "What do you think your doing Sarah?" Will asked sharply but in a scary calm voice "W-we...umm we were just helping Jay here,  wash up" She shuddered pulling a sheepish smile. Will growled showing his teeth as he approached  Sarah "Your on thin ice as it is and your messing with their new sister. Do you have a death wish?" He folded his arms in front of his chest as he towers over her "Li..listen I didn't know! It's not my fault!" She squeaked again, fear filling her makeup layered face.

"What is Emerson going to think of this?" Will asked intimately taking a step closer to her, she shakes her head trembling like crazy "please don't!" She pleaded. Will smiled before giving her a death glare as he nodded his head toward the door. And with that her and her minions were running out the door. Katy gave me a quick glare before joining them.

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