Chapter 27: The lost boy returns

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Jade POV

My hands began to shake again but I stopped them by clenching them into fists hard enough that my knuckles turned white, I kept my face unreadable as May laughed his heigh pitch squirrel laugh as he replaced his arm around my shoulders again.

"I guess you've lost your touch, birdy. It's to bad, we use to have fun together" Mason gave me a disgusting smile as he ran his blade gently against my cheekbone.

Then all of a sudden a hand from behind me pushed Marcus's hand away from my face while also grabbing May arm and twisting it before pushing him back with such force he stumbled into the wall, an arm wrapped around my waist before quickly pulling me behind him.

I blinked for a second, trying to understand what just happened. I looked up to see Aiden in front of me and the same heart ache plunged at me and tears threatening to fall in which I immediately scolded myself for, "oh ho ho, now we're getting somewhere!!" Rat sang sickly as he gave Aiden an amused glare, "Coming to the rescue of your "new sister?" How sweet! Isn't that sweet, boys." May and Marcus gave a croaked smile as they stood to the sides of Rat.

Aiden's hands clenched at his sides making my stomach do a backflip, " You won't be able to protect them forever pretty boy, the boss what's them and he will kill anyone...including troublesome sisters"he looked over Aiden to me in which I flinched "to get it" Rat finished as he pulled a gun out of his waist line.

This wasn't good....

"What's going on here?" A growl came from behind us which I knew was Emerson right away. I sighed before turning around. Emerson, Benjamin and Parker stood at the entrance of the alleyway.

Emerson and Benjamin looked like they were about to kill someone and from what I just heard....they could, Parker's eyes were wide as fear was frozen on her face. "Now it's a Party!!" Marcus laughed bitterly.

Emerson walked to me along with Benjamin, Parker hiding close behind him. Emerson gave me a quick look but I'm eyes were on the ground.

Emerson trying to grab my arm but I just pulled it away, anger and frustration showing through my mask.

"Oh no, looks like we created a rift between the loving siblings" May squeaked, Emerson looked down at me with a dark frown "what is he talking about?"

I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Oh nothing really, just told me you and all your brothers are part of a mafia that run the underground. Man, I can't believe I was actually stupid enough to trust you!" I hadn't even realized my voice was raising as I look directly into Emerson's shocked eyes.

I laughed bitterly before running my hand through my hair, willing my burning eyes to not over flow with tears, don't be weak I thought bitterly.

I looked over to Parker who had tears running down her face, "what?!" She asked breathless. Benjamin's face filled with sadness as he tried to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks but she flinched away.

Rat's slimy eyes widened when he say Parker, "Looky here, the princesa herself." Rat's face twisted into a croaked smirk as he motion with his fingers sending the twins forward but with a blur of a movement Emerson had one under his foot by the throat and the other clenching at his hand that was wrapped around his neck. "Your not laying a finger on her" Emerson's voice leaks with venom that sends a chill so cold I noticeably flinch.

Rat cowers a little but recovers quickly "Let's see-" Rat started but was interrupted by the loud squeak of the door behind Rat as it opened.

Rat instantly put away his gun and stepped back, the sun had set now so there was only the distant light of the red in the sky and the light from inside the pub through the open door. A tall, muscular man walked out in the alley followed by another man.
The first man turned to face the group, his face light up and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped which the man had the same responds causing his cigarette to fall from his mouth and onto the ground.

A small figure pushed and shoved her way through and before I knew it Parker had jumped into the mans arms, he was still looking at me shocked before wrapping his hands around her waist and burying his face into her neck, his blue hair messly rested on her shoulder.


I looked away, it's been years since we last saw each other and he didn't even say goodbye, father just sent him on some kind of mission and never came back or if he did he never came to visit us or tell us if he was okay. We grew up together and he never texted or call.

Tommy whispered something to Parker before gently putting her down, Emerson, Benjamin and Aiden glared at Tommy like he was the worst person in the universe.

I could feel Tommy's gaze on me so against my better judgment I looked up and meet his brown eyes. I hesitated as I looked away again and scoffed, I lowered my head as my legs started to move my fist balled at my sides but Tommy just watched me patiently. He was way taller then me so he towered over me as I stopped in front of him.

Aiden, not being able to stand it anymore tried to move forward but Emerson put his arm across his chest as he tried to pass.

All I could hear was my uneven breath compared to Tommy's steady one and my raging heart beat, my hands clenched even tighter if that's even possible. I gridded my teeth as I send my fist straight onto his cheekbone, shock filled the tiny alleyway. "You bitch wh-" Rat spat but Tommy raise a hand to quite him. I breath heavily, my chest rising and falling as my eyes stung. Tommy spat the blood in his mouth onto the ground before turned back to me looking me straight in the eye, my heart ached and my sore fist clenched again.

"Damn it" I breath looking down at my now sore fist I held a familiar laugh as he raised his hand, gently pushing some stands of hair out of my face before grabbed the back of my neck and pulling me into his broad chest. My nose was filled with his familiar sent of smoke, shaving cream and mint.

My bottom lip trembled "you're an ass" I quivered which was so quite it was barely a whisper but Tommy heard me . He sighed, his chest rose and fell as he ran his hand down my hair "I know."

We parted and he offered me a smirk which I couldn't help but return. "Where have you been?! You leave without any notice and then I bump into you in an alleyway?" I snapped crossing my arms.

Tommy's face turn a bit dark as he looked over to Rat and the twins "it's complicated and a conversation for another time, for right now you nee..d to umm" he hesitated before looking over to my fathers henchmen again. "Sal de aquí, escóndete en alguna parte. Fuera de la mansión negra" (Get out of here, hide somewhere. Outside of the Black's Mansion) Tommy said in Spanish his eyes now as dark as cole. "Do you understand?" But he wasn't talking to me he was looking straight at Emerson.

They stared at each other intensely, like they were communicating through only eye contact "Yeah I got it" Emerson finally growled. Tommy nodded before turning to Rat "let's go" he said looking down at his phone "bu...but boss! The girls are right here! Let's just take um in now!" Rat whined Tommy look up through his lashes at Rat which told him to shut up and get the car ready. Tommy looked over to Parker "I'll get you later" he wink teasingly in which she just rolled her eyes but couldn't keep the smirk from showing. Aiden didn't like that one bit and stepped in front of her staring daggers at Tommy who just smiled back.

The henchmen left down the alley and got into a black parked car and started the engine, Tommy turned back to me.

My heart raced at the thought of my father  "how bad?" I asked but I already knew the answer. Tommy looked down at me with the same pained look as he always had when it was like this, I just nodded my head knowingly "be safe" was all he said before patting my head and walked away.

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